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Shigeo Kageyama

Male. Lives in  Manehattan,  Equestria. Born on September 29, 1990
Misc. RP Information
I'm not sure why, but Shigeo works strangely well in romance/adventure RPs, so if you want to RP I recommend doing that. However I'm not only doing that. I can do any RP you'd like to do. Also, Shigeo's age is at my whim, so don't expect it to be the same between two RPers. Though this will mostly just take the form of having two versions of Shigeo: regular Shigeo and adult Shigeo. I'll have an entry for each of them when applicable, represented by R for regular and A for Adult. Also, if you fri... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
School or exorcising ghosts
Title(s) / Rank
Mob, White T Poison the gang boss
Skin / Coat Color
very light tan
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A half lidded third eye
Design Description
R: Shigeo is a small lanky earth pony with very light tan fur and a black bowl cut. His tail is straight, black, and long. His face has a blank look of boredom on it most of the time, with very little movement when Shigeo does decide to emote. He doesn't really have any muscles to speak of. He'll typically wear a black school uniform with golden buttons or a white "t-shirt".
A: Shigeo is a lanky earth pony with very light tan fur and a black bowl cut. His tail is straight, black, and long. His fa... View More
Milk, exorcise, helping others
Beings who use their powers irresponsibly
Detailed Personality
R: Shigeo is a rather reserved and shy earth pony. He gets a little bit flustered if someone approaches him unexpectedly. However, even if it doesn't appear like it at first, Shigeo does feels emotions. He just keeps them bottled up. However if pushed to far, then he'll explode and his emotions will pour out. [Head canon] he's also Bi.
A: Shigeo is still shy, but he's been able to open up since he was a child, expressing more emotions. He's much more comfortable around others ponies. However he s... View More
Professional exorcist
Shigeo got a standard education from pre-k to high school.
Detailed History
[Very heavy Mob Psycho 100 spoilers and head canon ahead. Read at your own risk. Each section will be marked]
Period one: the beginning.
When Shigeo was born, a tremor rocked the hospital that he was born in. An omen of things to come. Even at a very young age, Shigeo was very adept with his psychic powers. He'd often show them off to his brother Ritsu. However, own day while walking home from school, a group of older bullies attacked Shigeo and Ritsu. One of the bullies threw Shigeo against a wal... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
R: Shigeo doesn't really have much. He only really carries a few bits on him at any one time.
A: Shigeo owns the room that Reigen used to operate out of. He manages to make a decent living off of his exorcisms since he's got a very high success rate.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Shigeo is a very powerful psychic, second to none. If he ever gets emotional (represented by reaching 100%), his powers "explode" and he goes all out. If Shigeo is ever knocked out or killed, a strange presence known as ???% will emerge and attempt to complete whatever task Shigeo had before he was taken out. ???% is much more powerful than 100% Shigeo. Shigeo can enter this state willingly, but only if he's subject to extreme mental trauma, like the death of a loved one. Shigeo is also a very f... View More
Chlorokinesis: Shigeo is able to control the growth and movement of plants with his psychic powers.
Telekinesis: Shigeo is able to move objects without touching them. Using this he can also create telekinetic barriers and and make himself "fly".
Power absorption: Shigeo is able to absorb psychic energy from those around him, [head canon] as well as magical power. While in ???% mode he can even such energy right out of the atmosphere.
Power transfer: Shigeo is able to give his psychic powers to anot... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
September 29, 1990
Last Login:
December 6, 2022
Member Since:
December 2, 2019
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