Dear Princess Celestia,
I know I should be excited for Hearthswarming and everything, but this year, I'm just not feeling it. I'm finding myself extremely cranky with people. Even more than cranky doodle when pinkie drives him insane. It's not that I want to be a scrooge this year, I don't, but I just can't get myself in the holiday spirit because of stuff going on my life, that is making me upset and unhappy, not to mention all the extra anxieties on top of my anxiety I've had for a very lon...
Dear whoever,
I don't know whether you will care or not, and I don't expect anyone to, but I have a lot of issues. I'm not very social, even though I try. Most of the time I tend to annoy those around me. And because of that, ...I'm afraid that eventually everyone I know is going to be so annoyed with me they won't want to be my friends anymore.
I don't really like to be abandoned and forgotten. My mom left when I was 5 and didn't come back until I was 22. And because she left, I've always ha...
Dear princess celestia,
I'm starting to think that I'm becoming a little bit like sherlock holmes. Why you may ask? Well, for one thing I'm in a state where I don't care much about things or people. Say if someone is sad, I just ignore them and go about my day. Secondly, I don't really socialize much and if I do, I tend to be an ass to people. It's not that I want to be mind you, it's just that I can't help myself. I honestly tend to be the most unoptimistic person around most of the time. La...
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Dear princess celestia,
I have been out of the game of finding a special somepony for a while now to realize that it's getting lonely for me. I want to look for another mare who may end up being my special somepony, but I'm afraid of being rejected. Idk what it is about me that other ponies don't like. Sure I may be hard to get along with sometimes being depressed and sad on occasion, but I can't really control it. I try, but I fail sometimes. I just want a mare to understand me and maybe wan...
To whom it may concern:
There's a reason why I'm the way I am. Always depressed, sad and what not. It's a bit of a long story really. See when I was young, around four or five, my mother decided that she wanted to leave me with my grandma and move to someplace else and not come back for several years. I eventually was adopted by my aunt and uncle, but the post traumatic stress I had from her leaving left me with a lot of bad qualities. I got into fights a lot, especially when someone talked shi...
Dear princess celestia,
Yesterday I went and got some fish from a nearby pet store to keep me company in my room... however the next morning, I found they had went to fish heaven... I thought I had set the aquarium up ok for them, but I ended up messing up. I didn't wash the gravel before I put it in and I didn't wait the full amount of time before adding the fish... not to mention i added the chemicals to help the water be safe after I put them in, which pretty much poisoned them... but now I'...
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