Misc. RP Information
Narrative Roleplay, Not very long Paragraphs and sometimes gets bored/distracted VERY quickly if Co-roleplayer disappears or is a slow responder without warning.
Common locations your character will be
Home, Game Stores or random hunting and hobby stores
Title(s) / Rank
novice shooter, Gamer,
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Blue (They Glow!)
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A blue ghostly flame
Design Description
Spectral is a stallion with a very mare like appearance, Blue tips of his hooves that fade from a white to his whole grey body, a black and blue (light to dark fade, Blue Glows) striped mane and a Blue Flame cutie mark
Changelings, Video games, Griffons, Moths, Sylveons, Spoons
Spiders, Most Physical activities, Large hats, Forks
Detailed Personality
Spectral is an often spontaneous pony, while not pinkie pie levels of random he will just often say random things, having both ADHD (Weak) and mild Autism (Asbergers) he often sticks to himself when he is not in the mood to talk, other than that he generally seems friendly unless annoyed then he will stay mad for a while, he does try to be friendly and sometimes overly flirty despite being really bad at it.
No job, Novice Archer and Shooter
Public Trottingham school (Ages 3-11): didn't pay much attention but did enjoy himself despite the bulliesPublic Highschool (Ages 11-16): Paid very little attention still but did take interest in maths, Physics and Chemistry where he earned his Cutiemark by magically altering flames to change their colourOpen Enrolment collage (Ages 16-18): Took a basic course for special needs students less out of his disabilities and more for the small class size, took woodwork on the side for the first year t... View More
Detailed History
Spectral being a strange pony from a young age from his unknown disabilities to himself through others knew very easily from how he behaved, from a young age he often spent his time alone though had some interactions with friends, often suffered abuse at the hooves of his father before he left when spectral was four years old, having made it through school with very little trouble but also very little in the way of learning anything but was mainly bullied for his mare like appearance. At the age... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Property: A 2 bedroom flat with living space, one bathroom and Kitchen, Empty bedroom is used for friendsEntertainment: XPone-one X, 4 controllers, 4K TV, Laptop W/ old TV acting as a monitor, P-phone 6S, Pretty good WifiUtility: Fridge, Freezer, Washer, Dryer, Heater, Bath/shower, Sink, Toilet, Electricity and PlumbingFurniture: Large double bed, Large sofa, Computer Chair, Radio, Corner desk, TV stand, Spare bed in the empty room, Storage space, Fairly basic accommodations comparable to a hote... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Few talentsA fairly good RPG gamer and is ok with PVP gamesNovice Archer and ShooterSometimes unintentionally Savage (Roasting)Has a good puzzle solving mind and often enjoys things that challenge him some
Telekinesis, Teleportation, Basic Pyromagic and Very Basic Pocket Storage, Summons Aetherial hands to use gaming controllers, Quills, Pens and other utilities meant for griffons
Basic Info
Birth Date:
December 3, 1998
Last Login:
January 21, 2025
Member Since:
March 11, 2018
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