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Stardusk Strider · Administrator

I was ready all along.

Male. Lives in In some box,  Equestria. 30 years old
Misc. RP Information
Hello there. I see you are on my profile to get some info. Well, you are going to have to bear with me since I am slowly updating my profile, but I have some rules in the meanwhile.
These rules exist namely because I have been burned out numerous time with horrible RP moments and irritating users whom rp unfavorably. With this is mind, these are what I look for in an rp:
1. Detail is key! I like to have quite a bit of detail or dialogue provided within the RP. It helps to set out the scene to imag... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Canterlot, Ponyville
Title(s) / Rank
None in particular.
Skin / Coat Color
Black/gray with red stripes (edgy)
Eye Color
Emerald green
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A red Star
Design Description
Star is given his red and black coat from the clan he originated from, the stripes used to determine which class he belongs to in this clan. His mane is rather short, and also holds the same colors. He doesn't hold great strength, and is rather short as well, but he is very fit, in order to accommodate for his quick speed.
Friends, peace, safety of innocents
Danger, braggarts, threats against normal life
Detailed Personality
The stallion is typically one who wants to be himself and live his own life. He has a bad instinct of wanting to help anyone in need (whether they need it or not).
Once you get to know him, however, he does become rather witty and snarky, but in a good way. He usually intends to try and be playful and fun with those he can trust.
However, he does get intimidated rather quickly, so if a pony is taller than him, they could likely make him back down.
Night watch
Lots of book reading
Detailed History
Early life (birth - 8):
In the beginning, Stardusk wasn't actually Stardusk. In fact, his name was Solar Wonder, and did not have the coat he has now. Instead, it was more of a yellow coat with a green mane, and the stallion was a much more shy and timid pony He would go about his early life being more to himself, learning about new things of life, and taking it all one day at a time.
One day, when his parents were minding their own business, and he himself was playing with his toys, there would... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
."Peace and Harmony": The name for Star's chained daggers, They are attached to a cuff on his hooves, in which can be thrown about or even tossed, which will return. They are intended to hook into his foe to bring them closer or to tug himself in for an attack. He is still learning to use them effectively.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Star has been put under rigorous conditioning, meaning he has been trained day in and day out to attain a speed only few other earth ponies can match. He has become so in tune with such, he is capable to quickly vanishing and appear in another spot, almost like "teleporting", but is incapable of doing it if he is held or pinned.
Skilled potion crafter:
Having a developed a hobby to try and make up for his lack of unicorn magic, Star has become skilled in the ways of potion making, holding ... View More
Basic Info
Last Login:
March 12, 2025
Member Since:
September 29, 2017
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