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Storm S. Cloud

Male. Lives in N/A,  Everfree Forest,  Equestria. Born on May 13, 2000
Misc. RP Information
He has below average flying capabilities do to having never been taught
His knowledge in his work is extremely precise but when it comes to any social subjects he crashes and burns.
He prefers meditation over sleep as he doesnt like the idea of having his dreams watched.
He has little to no concern for personal safety.
I Rp and Erp, one on one that is, I'm bloody terrible when it comes to Group Rps.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
His Camp,Ponyville,Canterlot(When renewing license or deed)
Title(s) / Rank
No formal ranking though he is a highly skilled Alchemist
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Pale Electric Blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A potion flask emanating an everfree cloud
Design Description
Stormy S. Cloud, Race: Pony, Pegasus
Gender: Male
Palette: Grey Coat, Black Mane and Tail, Pale Electric Blue Eyes
Cutiemark: A potion flask with an everfree cloud emanating from inside it
Size: Slightly above average size for a Pegasus, Tail and mane both kept at a rough 2-3 feet though mane kept back out of his eyes
Misc: He wears a black bowtie, He often looks tired do to his self destructive working schedule, his mane is often slightly singed around the outer edges.
Working, Alchemy, Testing potions...on himself, Deer
Afraid of Pinkie, Doctors, and Luna (Only if in his dreams)
Detailed Personality
Storm is a work-a-holic that has very poor social skills due to having never been in any formal schooling or place of learning, he had no reason to actively seek out companionship and thus he only focused on his work. He has Schizophrenia though it was caused by a failed potion effect which created his other personality. He has an irrational fear of Pinkie and tends to avoid the mane 6 whenever possible. Hes stubborn as a mule and blatantly refuses to remove his tie in any situation, He's a quic... View More
No formal education, Self taught
Detailed History
As a pony growing up in Appleoosa Stormy S. Cloud was rarely caught out in public keeping to himself and working on his alchemy, Due to this he never made many friends and subsequently he secluded himself even more. Without any social interaction he slowly worked further and further on his alchemy what once was just a small hobby became a dangerous obsession the first sign of the problem manifesting itself when he was just seven years old. By this point stormy had already completed some potions ... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
His tie, His Cabin/Tents, His Alchemical supplies and potions, he keeps any bits he earns in his Cellar, he has an Alchemical license and Deed to the land his camp is on.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Alchemy, Due to several failed experiments hes gained quite a few odd changes to himself the most common of which that he uses is the ability to manipulate and control Electricty in several ways.
"Static Manipulation" See "Detailed Backstory" for cause
Basic Info
Birth Date:
May 13, 2000
Last Login:
January 26, 2024
Member Since:
January 19, 2018
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