So.. I'm here looking for advice. I've spent years out of and away from close relationships, from love. My last relationship ended unpleasantly, 2 years ago. I havent had any success in patiently waiting for anyone to be curious enough to ask about me as a person. I want to put myself out there, see if i can find someone right for me... But how? When ever I go to give anyone a glimpse into my head it sounds like a plea for attention, and that's not what I'm going for. I want someone to genuinely...
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I've been noticing lately a mass influx of petty arguments over eating meat. I don't get it. Is it so much to ask to not be berated because I happen to eat how humans are *supposed* to eat, a mixture of ALL food types? Every night when I look at the feed all I see is stuff like this. It's depressing! I come here for ponies, roleplay, and friends.
Now, let me make something VERY clear:
I do NOT support eating only plants/not eating anything from animals, HOWEVER, if you DO, I RESPECT YOUR...
In the short time I've been a brony I've searched for a place I felt... Comfortable... Being active, exercising my love of ponies and sharing art and commenting on /discussing others art. Each community I find is so rampant with fights that I just... Can't take it. It may sound like I'm being a wimp, or picky, whatever you wanna call it. But I'm not. MLP displays themes of friendship, getting along, etc, and it deeply concerns me that that's not what I find. Every time I become afraid to speak o...