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Can't punch your way to happiness. I tried that.

Female. Lives in  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on August 15, 1985
Misc. RP Information
It's about time I rewrote this, I'm in a better place than I used to be. Tality's a mare with a hellish backstory, a kitbash of horror/scifi/fantasy properties like Texhnolyze, GTFO, 40k, Alan Wake, and a whole, whole lot more held together with a whole lot of homebrew. She's an anomaly, a being of a mysterious and excessively privileged nature attempting to find peace with her existence, connection with others while also not bending the entire world around herself.
What that it means in practica... View More
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville, Canterlot, Manehattan, Everfree, Anywhere
Title(s) / Rank
Celestial Knight, Galactic Empress, Mare of the Apocalypse
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Action, Adventure, Slice of Life, Mystery, Horror, Sci-Fi, Post-apocalyptic, Military, Fandom AU, Crossover, MLP Only, Robotic, Alien, Monster
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
The moment of totality during a total solar eclipse
Design Description
Tality is a breed of highland pony that adapted first to the highlands of Equus, and then to its deserts, turning their coat and manes white, and then sandy. They can tolerate both the hot days and cold nights of the desert, their fur puffing up in the cold and flattening in the heat. Like wool, it wicks away water, leaving them dry except in the heaviest of rains.
There's much more to her, certainly, but she carries nothing of her old life. Everything about her screams a pony wanting desperately... View More
Detailed Personality
Tality was a genetically-perfected space marine, bred for an endless war, whose life has been a senseless cavalcade of horrors, many of her own making. She is at the center of a cosmic mystery, and is possessed of and by something that is utterly singular and undeniable. Ageless and steeped in violence and blood from even before the day, she has struggled to find peace while wracked by her own overwhelming guilt and ever-growing mountain of lost attachments as she outlives all those around her, ... View More
"Professional Murderess"
Comprehensive & multiversal.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Hypercompetent survivor. Immutable sense of self. Doesn't sleep, doesn't get tired. Adrenal overdrive. Machine intuition.
Can cause or end an eclipse, or slam the moon or sun into the planet (which she doesn't think is useful) but otherwise has little command over celestial objects. Can open a wormhole through an eclipse or other celestial conjunction.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
August 15, 1985
Last Login:
September 7, 2024
Member Since:
April 16, 2024
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