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Title(s) / Rank
Princess Unikitty, most beloved princess of the land.
Skin / Coat Color
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Cutiemark (If Applicable)
I don't know what this is, but it sounds super cute!
Design Description
Unikitty is a pink unicorn-cat hybrid. She has a light pink muzzle with dark pink blush stickers that can change depending on her emotions. She has large blue eyes with an eyelash coming out of the sides of each of them. She has bright pink triangular ears with a blue unicorn horn nestled into a white casing. She wears a light green collar around her neck. Her front paws are blue with white tops, while her back paws are yellow with white tops. She has a bushy blue tail with a white underside. Wh... View More
Friends, positivity, winning, cheering others up, cute stuff
People being mean, Master Frown, candy corn
Detailed Personality
While Unkitty can be very sweet with her friends and very protective of her younger brother, Puppycorn, she will lose it with those who do not remain positive or creative.Overall, though, Unikitty will do anything to protect her kingdom and make sure every day goes perfectly and is, most importantly, fun.
Princess, duh.
Divine birth.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
When her friends or loved ones are in danger, a fire literally ignites in Unikitty and she becomes Angry Kitty. She displays these tendencies with forces such as the evil Master Frown.Additionally, Unikitty has the ability to fly and hold objects in a sort of ‘levitation’.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
February 7, 1994
Last Login:
February 12, 2024
Member Since:
February 25, 2019
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