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Vinyl Scratch

Female. Lives in Ponyville,  Ponyville,  Equestria. Born on April 1, 1997
Misc. RP Information
semi lit
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Only depends on where I'm touring, it's random.
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
music symbol
Design Description
While DJ Pon-3's coat appears white in Suited For Success due to the lighting of the scene, a layout artist on the show noted that the character model's coat color is actually a very pale yellow, specifically the 24-bit hex triplet #FEFDE7.[3] This is more clearly seen in the episodes A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2 and Magical Mystery Cure. Her coat color in the DJ Pinkie Pie game is the same, while her Playful Ponies toy is white. Her eye color is also shown in the episodes A Canterlot Wedding - ... View More
Music, Octavia, playing as a DJ.
People dishing my music, assholes ruining my record table.
Detailed Personality
While DJ Pon-3's coat appears white in Suited For Success due to the lighting of the scene, a layout artist on the show noted that the character model's coat color is actually a very pale yellow, specifically the 24-bit hex triplet #FEFDE7.[3] This is more clearly seen in the episodes A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2 and Magical Mystery Cure. Her coat color in the DJ Pinkie Pie game is the same, while her Playful Ponies toy is white. Her eye color is also shown in the episodes A Canterlot Wedding - ... View More
Disk Jocky
Detailed History
While DJ Pon-3's coat appears white in Suited For Success due to the lighting of the scene, a layout artist on the show noted that the character model's coat color is actually a very pale yellow, specifically the 24-bit hex triplet #FEFDE7.[3] This is more clearly seen in the episodes A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2 and Magical Mystery Cure. Her coat color in the DJ Pinkie Pie game is the same, while her Playful Ponies toy is white. Her eye color is also shown in the episodes A Canterlot Wedding - ... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
A shared apartment with Octavia, whatever is current to my name.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Making, and remixing music.
The basic unicorn spells
Basic Info
Birth Date:
April 1, 1997
Last Login:
June 22, 2019
Member Since:
June 14, 2019
Profile Views:
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