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Other. Lives in Canterlot,  Crystal Empire,  Equestria. Born on February 28, 2004
Misc. RP Information
Arctic Dash is the younger brother of rainbow dash. But instead of rainbow trails. AD can control ice and go as fast as RD. But he never new he had a sister until he met Twilight.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Equestrian or Cloudsdale
Skin / Coat Color
Light blue
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Ice crystals
Design Description
A Non-binary Pegasus that has a tail that starts off blue but cuts off into rainbow at the end. Blue hair with yellow highlights and a square shape on his chest.
Cold places , Reading , Mythology,Music and Competitions
Extreme heat , spicy foods and sudden loud noises (Likeacat)
Detailed Personality
AD is a very calm and down to earth Pegasus ,they like helping others and will even spare time to be with them. If they aren’t asleep in their room , making music or racing others , theyre in their library reading up on mythology. They want to learn more about Cryokinesis and wants to learn more about the world.
Very creative AD has education in Science , Music , Art , Technology and Elements.
Detailed History
While it is unknown on how they came to find rainbow dash. Arctic Dash (Or their nicknames Arcie , Arc or Ace) Always wanted to be the fastest In all of Equestrian so at a young age they would run wherever their little legs would take them. That’s when they stumbled upon and Ice Crystal , one of the 16 Elemental Crystals. Scared after finding this new power they ran home and started to read. That’s when they found their older sisters diary. As soon as they read it he was determined to find her….... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
A book pouch , A small knife and their books.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Ice Manipulation and Sonic Speed
Current: Ice Clash , Spearicle , Icicle Guard and Hailstorm
Basic Info
Birth Date:
February 28, 2004
Last Login:
May 7, 2023
Member Since:
October 9, 2022
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