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Katya Ironstead

Female. Lives in Stalliongrad,  Equestria. Born on July 15
Misc. RP Information
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Status: 12.06.2018 - Cringing at the amount of empty invites. Oh Ponysquare, how I missed you :^) Exam session, unlikely to take on anything before July.
1. Twisted Gears [Fallout RP, Vault 83 exploration] (paused until July)
2. Twisted Gears, Rozaline Sassyfangs, Chaser, Ariel Radiance [Group RP, Darkest Dungeon]
3. (maybe)
- I'm completely against hoarding meaningless contacts and prefer to add only th... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages, Forums
Common locations your character will be
Border outpost, taverns, patrolling the city, anywhere :B
Title(s) / Rank
Junior Lieutenant
Skin / Coat Color
Between tan and sand yellow
Eye Color
Crimson Red
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Red star surrounded by an olive laurel wreath
Design Description
In size, she's noticeably bigger than the average mare, easily matching an able-bodied stallion. Her fur is thick and fairly soft to the touch, noticeably puffier on the chest due to living in and being adapted to a colder climate. The body makeup is muscular and she possesses a strong, solid build. Not fat, but certainly on the wider side.
As a tomboy, she does not care about her look as much as the usual mare would. All she bothers with is keeping her mane straight (it's a bit curly by nature, ... View More
Detailed Personality
Spending her foalhood mostly in seclusion has paid its toll on Katya's behaviour. At the point, where she could be classified as a young adult, the alicorn was nothing like the pony she currently is. Lacking confidence in herself as well as being denied a lot of social interaction, she grew up to be a reserved and secretive pony.
Ashamed of her little secret, she hides her wings both from others as much as she's hiding them from herself, trying hard to deny their existence. While with practice sh... View More
Border Guard
Home-schooled by a retired teacher, studies things she's interested in or on a need-to-know basis during her free time.
Detailed History
Guardsmare and recently drafted intern of Stalliongrad's Ministry of Internal Affairs. When off duty, freelancer. Usually takes part-time jobs, does not stray from honest work. Outside usual guard duty involving patrols, inspections and ensuring border security, she is issued various tasks by the ministry's authorities, involving escort of diplomats to other parts of Equestria, reconnaissance or assisting with counter-intelligence as part of her training course.
Being an alicorn, considered by ma... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
On top of being issued a somewhat underwhelming monthly income of bits, she tries to look for opportunities to save up whenever in need of funds or desires to purchase something with a higher than usual price tag. If not, she usually has enough to afford some commodities (a set amount of food rations is provided free of charge for working citizens) and save a small sum once in a while, with some calculation and smart spending involved.
Lives with her guardian, who always has a free room available... View More
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
To be added.
Katya's magic, due to the fact she's an alicorn, is quite impressive when compared to a standard unicorn, but only in terms of raw power. She never received any advanced training and has only learned the basics of spell casting, which seriously hinders her abilities and limits the spells she knows. The only thing she considers herself decent at are barrier spells and relies on muscle to do the rest of the job.
She has grown used to relying on physical strength rather than magic in terms of both d... View More
Basic Info
Birth Date:
July 15
Last Login:
February 1, 2019
Member Since:
June 9, 2018
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