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Amaya Zuhri
"Hey! Hey hey hey! Zuh!"
Amaya called to her best zebra friend as she flew over to him, surprisingly for once the mare had a saddle bag. It looked old and torn, but knowing Amaya it could be speculat... View More
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"Yeah, you're right." Amaya said to his last comment, before she added more to it. "The day I become super famous, you'll be needing that to prove we are the bestest of friends." She spoke, a more bluffed grin forming as she spoke. "Y'know, I'm going to be super mega popular someday for-" She paused... View More
September 21, 2021

Zu gave a little grin in return "Oh yeah? I hope you won't forget about the lesser ponies and zebras on your rise to fame." he played along, it was kinda like playing pretend with a foal. He knew she was just being silly, couldn't really know how serious she was about it for herself, but regardless ... View More
September 21, 2021

Nervously now, the mare continued to kick her front hoof against the dirt while looking at the ground. Was she *really* nervous? Of course she wasn't- it was all part of the act of trying to possibly get what she wanted. With that, she cleared her throat as she looked up. Her eyes dilated bigger to ... View More
September 21, 2021

...oh she was good. Granted, it was totally unnecessary as Zu would have probably treated her to lunch if she asked nicely, especially after getting such a nice gift. It was the last he could do in return. At her question, he blinked, expecting some deeper, or more personal or awkward inquiry... ins... View More
September 21, 2021
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