Publish Date: October 24, 2018
^^^Read above for detail.^^^
Chansity is a very shy mare, though of course there is more to her than her anxieties. Perhaps if getting to know her, you'd see her hard-working nature. This mare tends to take challenges in stride, and avoids easy solutions. A very caring soul, even if socializing with other ponies seems to be a hassle, she will never turn away from a pony in need.
Chansity resides in Canterlot, attending magic school that might be comparable to college. This mare lives on her own now, though. Her home is a very small building on a not so populated side of Canterlot. Inside her house is usually a mess, so don't be surprised if she doesn't invite you inside.
Chansity owns a black cat named Mei. They have quite the attitude problem when it comes to others.