Misc. RP Information
alright, here are some rules i want t get out of the way.1: No OP chars. this means no autohitting, contolling of chars, or simply just op behaviors. i wont stand for it.2: No ERP. I dont ERP and i dont ever plan to. even if it IS a romantic rp. descriptions are fine, just don't get carried away please3: lorebending/ breaking is encouraged by me, just don't get too carried away that you don't recall magic is still a thing.4: Note that flam can be rude on occasion, it is a character quality, and ... View More
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Las pegasus, on the road, in your local marketplace
Title(s) / Rank
CEO, flimflam inc. Mayor, Las Pegasus.
Skin / Coat Color
Eye Color
Preferred Roleplay Genre(s)
Mystery, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Dystopia, Urban
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
a red apple with a quarter cut out of it
Design Description
//the pic is NOT mine, so please do know I am not claiming it. it is from Dr.Marina Bleu.////desc coming never >:)!//
Bits, his family, popularity, Las Pegasus
the Apple family, sneaky ponies, ponies above him.
Detailed Personality
He is a rich eccentric salespony. Flam enjoys being around other ponies, even if they arent enjoying him.He loves his mustache, and nopony better touch it!He is very charismatic, however he is very manipulativeHe is an excellent singer, especially in duets.He has an old sense of style not many ponies have.And he is very caring toward his loved ones, and very protective.Loyal and honor bound. Will not go against his word under any circumstances, so you better have made sure you didnt sign a bad c... View More
Salespony, CEO
Las Pegasus
//coming soon!//
Detailed History
Flam and his brother Flim were born in Dodge junction. They lived there with the entire family on an apple farm outside the city for a few years before their father left, frustrated and maddened with their mother. the divorce took a couple of years, however, with their fathers agressive attitude toward the judge, they stayed with their mother. As foals the two started an apple juice stand inside the city. after selling their first apple juice, and cuttng an apple they got their cutie marks. this... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
A major resort in Las Pegasusponyless carriage production linesuper speedy cider squeezy 6000a few acres of apple orchardnet worth: 1.3 billion bitsa large workforcepolitical ties in the senate, and in las pegasusa miracle tonic production linea cider production linea toy production lineFreindship U[UNITY]
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Very persuasive, and rather charming. An intelligent pony, and is very good at mathematics. he is skilled with management, and is sometimes inventive. Good at making Tea, Good at Singing.
Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 activation spell. teleportationgeneric unicorn magicA weak sheilding spellnot truly much else
Basic Info
Birth Date:
May 4, 2001
Last Login:
January 16, 2025
Member Since:
February 3, 2019
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