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Captain Sky N Nova

Male. Lives in Don't worry about it,  Beyond Equestria.
Misc. RP Information
If you want my attention, comment or PM. Boops and likes don't convey the message.
Sky is a dracony, pony dragon hybrid. Thats pretty much the main thing you need to know about him.
I do have other characters but they are mostly mares. Sky was always my main, always will be.
I do have multiple canons for this character including steampunk/dieselpunk, and space adventure stuff. The info here is for the more or less show canon version.
Common locations your character will be
Salvaging ancient sites, wherever the party is.
Title(s) / Rank
Skin / Coat Color
Iridescent dark blue scales, very dark grey underside.
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
Sky is quite large being between Celestia and Luna in height on all fours, and due to his dense bones and scales he's also quite heavy. His wings are also quite large, having a wingspan about 3 times that of the average pegasus and twice that of a griffon and having small talons on his wings too. His tail is also very long, just over 7 feet. His back legs are digitigrade, meaning he basically walks on his toes giving him an extra joint. His eyes are turquoise and cat like and can seem to glow if... View More
Fire, arcanotech, flight
Being tied down, extremist
Detailed Personality
There are 2 sides to him, one side of him is him is simply put redneck trash and the other side of him is an honor bound warrior that'll stop at nothing to get the job done. Sky also has a tendency to lead from the front in a fight both as a matter of principle and due to him being well aware of his physical advantages. While he has little trouble with running the operation he was assigned to, his personal life is a bit of a mess as he finds it hard to settle down anywhere and spent most of his ... View More
Ship captain/Project Phoenix director
Star Spire City, Oceanic Alliance
Private schooling
Detailed History
Sky is from an area which is full of what remained from an ancient advanced civilization, a collection of islands and offshore structures in the middle of the ocean.
Half of his family is military, the other half is dragon tribe turned guardians off the ancient cities. Sky grew up in the ancient cities his "tribe" had mostly restored to former glory, as a result he is very knowledgeable in such things. While being a hybrid did get him a bit of teasing the high status off his dragon half kept it t... View More
Assets / Bits / Property
Flagship: Sky's flagship is a large multi-role assault ship measuring 1.2 KM long, arcanotech based.
Personal ship: A 450 foot long personal craft, serves as his primary residence.
Personal belongings: Sky has a vast personal collection of artifacts, weapons, various trinkets, and a few additional craft. He also has a nocturnal phoenix named Shadow.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
As his name would imply, he is really good with aerospace stuff including natural flight. Arcanotech is another area he's good in. Unsurprisingly he can also more than handle himself in a fight. As far as natural abilities go Sky has enhanced senses, his smell and hearing being noticeably better than a normal pony. His vision however is where he really sets himself apart, not only being able to see in minimal light, but he can also see in the IR and UV spectrum.
Sky is magic resistant, but does have the ability to sense magical fields. Other than that, he does heavily lean to the dragon side and as such he can shoot fire although this is rarely used.
Basic Info
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11 hours ago
Member Since:
December 4, 2017
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