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Ebon Heart

Born on September 12, 1994
Common locations your character will be
Guarding FlimFlam HQ during work hours.
Skin / Coat Color
Midnight Blue
Eye Color
Bright Turquoise
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
A Violet Shield with a Black Heart
Design Description
Ebon Heart is a Thestral, obviously, with a midnight blue coat and bright white mane and tail that seems to have electric blue highlights at the tips. Unlike other Thestrals commonly seen, Ebon has a bit shorter a body, leaner physique and a smoother coat most commonly seen in Thestrals from the wooded foothills surrounding the Trampslvanian Alps. While smaller then most, Ebon’s body has clearly been honed to punch clear above his weight in a fight. His wings are similarly toned, though he won’t... View More
Sour fruits, exercising, peace and quiet
Loud creatures, being manipulated, thugs
Security Guard
Tramplsvanian Foothills
Basic education.
Basic Info
Birth Date:
September 12, 1994
Last Login:
December 7, 2020
Member Since:
May 15, 2019
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