Good day and night, everypony! So, as some as you may remember I mentioned a while ago that the next contest on Canterlot Avenue would focus on the writing aspect rather than drawing because a vast majority of ponies relish in – you guessed it – writing! With that being said, allow me to introduce the next contest. Hoh boy!
So to start things off, we’d like to introduce our lovely mascots (if you haven’t yet noticed them on the login landing page already).
Misty Nights – the Bat Pony and Sunshine Serenade – the Pegasus. Both are not sisters, but they’re very close friends. However, we are unsure how they came to know each other, what their backstories are and why they decided to ‘join Poniverse.’ What’s not better than to allow everypony to write up a story about their fellow mascots?
We can give a small bit of information about the mascots via this comic as they introduce themselves:
(1) The theme of this writing contest follows ‘against all odds.’ Something we believe Canterlot Avenue stands for; the interaction between people and formulating friendships over accepting each others differences, finding similar interests, and so on. You may like to include other genres such as drama, comedy, slice of life, action, adventure, tragedy, romance (although we highly suggest not shipping the mascots), etc. Just as long as it keeps the running theme of ‘against all odds.’
(2) Entries should be no longer than 30,000 words. We'd prefer that all entries be one-shot stories, but if the author requires multiple chapters for their story, that's fine, so long as the story does not exceed 30,000 words and is complete upon entry. (3-5 pages is a good number).
(3) Entries cannot exceed a ‘teen’ rating. We will not accept any mature rated stories, whether they be gore, slash, clop, etc. That's not to say that you can't enter scary stories, but our group has a strict policy of not accepting mature rated stories. If any mature rated stories are entered, we will not read or review them.
(4) Stories should be consistent in the canon of Poniverse and should not clash with other mascot stories. For inspiration or references, you can refer to these head canons about Pixel Wavelength here: &
For other mascot canon stories, refer to the Poniverse Fim Fiction page here:
(5) Stories can be submitted to
(6) Contestants can enter no more than 1 submission of their own work (and please, do not enter any other author's work into the contest, even if you're doing it for them; if they'd like to enter the contest, they can do so themselves). Collaborations between 2 or more authors are allowed, but only one prize will be given in the event that such an entry is a winning entry.
(7) Entries will be accepted until 1st of January EST; after that date, we will accept no new submissions. (If there are less than three entries by this date, the submission date will be pushed back)
We hope to announce the winners by 10th January EST however, bare in mind that reading stories can be time consuming so the announcing date may change depending on real life demands. There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd placing followed by participant acknowledgements. Winners will receive free art commissions; these pieces will be 1-2 character full art pieces with or without a basic background, and may be whatever the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners desire, whether it be cover art for a story, or just art of an OC. Scoring 1st place will also deem that the story will be chosen to be canon in Poniverse and will be implemented into the Poniverse comics later on.
We do so hope everypony enjoys the contest and we can not wait to dig deep into those stories. The theme, ‘against all odds’ will be a challenge we think but a good wholesome one at that. If you have any questions about the contest, do not hesitate to post them here or to PM me (Snow Storm) or any of the other PR staff, and feel free to share this contest prompt with any friends of yours here on Canterlot Avenue, MLP Forums, Fimfiction, or any other pony site you can think of! Have a pleasant evening, everypony, and happy writing one and all!
Art Prizes (
UPDATED 08/04th/2018):
Snow Storm has generously said they will draw a 2 full body art piece of characters, fully shaded with a background. You can check out their Deviant Art here:
Crystal Clear (formally Sickle) has kindly offered to draw a prize that will consist of 2 full body art pieces of characters, fully shaded with no background. Take a look at their Deviant Art page to see their fabulous works:
Azalea (formally Hickory) will be drawing art of a single full character with no shading. How gracious of them! Their wonderful artwork can be found on Deviant Art here:
Winners will be able to choose from any of these three art prizes.
- 1st place can choose any one of the 3 artists
- 2nd place can choose between the remaining 2
- 3rd place gets the remaining 1
Winners will also get these exclusive badges:
All users who enter will receive this badge:
(Banner was created by Rattlecat)
I've written up a personality description of the two mascots for anyone who is struggling on how to write the characters. Check out my blog here:
UPDATE 09/29th/2018
I've pushed back the contest to 1st of January.