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I mean, I do have a basis. I ran a thread exactly like this a really really long time ago. Let me tell you, the shit that I had to wade through would have made a water treatment plant employee nauseous. I just straight up don't accept them anymore. They have no place in this world other than canon character only.
Schwoopy Tail
.Post in Spackle's OC Rating Thread
They have no place in the world other than canon? But OCs are, by design, not canon. What's the purpose in neglecting an established creation solely because "Oh that's just a thing reserved for these characters in the show"? It's not as if one needs to even be born alicorn any more, what with Twinkle Spinkle. Are the canon alicorns shitty characters simply by design too?
Alicorns are not shitty just because they're alicorns. Alicorn OCs are shitty because they're made by people who have little to no experience making characters, and aren't paid to make them. Alicorns are a special case scenario. They're a significant development or character in any plotline/story/clopfic. Or at least they should be. IMHO Alicorns are best used as if they were a Starbucks - nice every once in a while for the right reasons, but shit when you can't drive more than 10m without hitting another one.
Schwoopy Tail
.Post in Spackle's OC Rating Thread
Congratulations. You've just rationalized an alicorn character with reason rather than dismissed them with emotion. By dismissing the shit you toss out the potential diamonds. As a judge of potential you should be willing to wade through the shit to find those who have good things rather than just outright dismiss an entire category based on "Well a lot of you don't know how to use this so noone gets them".