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Shooting Star
.Post in Circle Icon entries
name: Shooting Star reference expression wanted, partially closed eyes with a smirk to one side other info: Shooting Star is a assassin for the sisterhood (the brotherhood in the MLP universe) often calm with a mysterious nature
.Post in Circle Icon entries
There are a lot of decorative things out there, but few if any of them come with a circle icon. So, you need to check and get more latest information to complete their college work. Today we’ll take a look at what a circle icon really is and see how it can be used to great effect in creating an engaging blog header.
.Post in Circle Icon entries
There are a lot of decorative things out there, but few if any of them come with a circle icon. So, you need to check and get more latest information to complete their college work. Today we’ll take a look at what a circle icon really is and see how it can be used to great effect in creating an engaging blog header.
Eje Leda
.Post in Circle Icon entries
Ikony okręgów to ikony reprezentujące elementy oprogramowania lub innych aplikacji. Musisz to sprawdzić i łatwo graj w nowe gry. Są one często używane do reprezentowania elementów w aplikacji, której używasz do poruszania się po systemie komputera. Ikony okręgów mogą służyć do wyróżnienia niektórych funkcji aplikacji, takich jak kalendarz, kalkulator lub linijka.
Eje Leda
.Post in Circle Icon entries
Ikony okręgów to ikony reprezentujące elementy oprogramowania lub innych aplikacji. Musisz to sprawdzić i łatwo graj w nowe gry. Są one często używane do reprezentowania elementów w aplikacji, której używasz do poruszania się po systemie komputera. Ikony okręgów mogą służyć do wyróżnienia niektórych funkcji aplikacji, takich jak kalendarz, kalkulator lub linijka.
Star Catcher
.Post in Learning to Draw
<p>So, I'm putting this here while I'm thinking about it, but I've been looking to learn how to art as of late. I've been working with a drawing tablet for a while now, and while I have a vague idea on how to draw a pony alright, I'm far from ready to start doing it as a means of income - or even as something I'd do for friends and all that. In short, I'm trying to get better.</p> <p> </p> <p><a href="">Here</a> is an idea of my last drawing. I've been trying to get to the point I've been drawing 3/4 reliably. Any artists out there have any advice in terms of drawing in 3/4 perspective?</p>
.Post in Learning to Draw
Well, first thing, make her neck a bit shorter. Second... not really. But if can help, I used this tutorial for a while before understanding how 3/4 works. Hope to be of any help. :)
Bryce John Adalynn
.Post in Learning to Draw
These ways to draw or learn drawing really is really interesting, isn't it? I wish now there can be a survey on how many people pay for writing services. I think the numbers would be high.
.Post in Krash's gallery of ponez
<p>Hello there.</p> <p>Just wanting to show some of my works with you .<br /> Let's begin :D<br /> <br /> The Ancient Six (for now, more three, but will be updated)<br /> [SPOILER]<img alt="Alsamat" src="" style="height:1024px; width:1024px" /><img alt="Dark Veil" src="" style="height:894px; width:894px" /> <img alt="Rockshield" src="" style="height:894px; width:894px" /></p> <p> <img alt="" src="" style="height:1013px; width:789px" /> </p> <p><img alt="Somgrump" src="" style="height:889px; width:899px" /></p> <p><img alt="Supreme Leader Sombra" src="" style="height:736px; width:1085px" /><img alt="Luna" src="" style="height:796px; width:1003px" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="" style="height:894px; width:894px" /></p> <p><img alt="Guys from Lovecraft" src="" style="height:679px; width:1024px" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="" style="height:907px; width:880px" /> [/spoiler]</p> <p> </p> <p>Ok, for now is everything.<br /> bye :D</p>