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Being a Japanese native most of my childhood and adolescent life, our Halloween culture is much different to western culture (Westernized version of halloween never really had much popularity til around 2003, shocker right?) Alright enough exposition, I can at least tell you of my favorite monster of my mythology. We call them Gashadokuro(Ga. Sha. Dou. Ku. Ro.) or the Starving Skeleton. They are roaming spirits that take the form of giant human skeletons, normally growing by the amass collection of bones and souls of the dead whom have either died from wars, disease, or starvation that have not been buried. Being much taller and massively huge than a human, will devour one just to sustain its form. The only way to know of its presence is a gargling crick of bones or ringing in one's ear as well known to peek their heads out on long stretches of pathways or roads. Why are they my favorite spooker? As a child, even if myth, it is downright terrifying envisioning a spiritual skeleton that is created by building itself from deceased bodies. So you KNOW the creature is going to have the most rancid smell, and dripping god knows what off its body, a walking biohazard. (Some artworks have some baring more than one head, arms, legs, having animal bones, which is lowkey pretty cool. You'll always come across one that's a bit different.) And big enough to grab and eat you? No thank you! Not only that, older Odokuro's adapt to be invisible and impossible to externally destroy. There was a chapter book I used to read, wish I remembered the title. But what I found so amazing and impressive of the monster is its willingness to evolve. If it felt it wasn't getting its prey, it will do what it can to survive. Rather that would be to break off bones, add some. Anything to give it more predator advantage. A shame such potential to retrain human knowledge of brainstorming problems and coming forth solutions is astonishing, but it's not able to comprehend human emotion or cognitive thought. Just brainlessly does so cause it's all its ever known. Only charms with precise chants from Shinto temples are able to ward them off. Or if a charm is written incorrectly in the slightest- rather that's an ink drip or poor sentence structure can make you the lighthouse for the Odokuro.
Goblins. Like have you seen goblins? They're the stormtroopers of the fantasy world but even less threatening because of just how minor a role they play in most settings; like sure there are instances where goblins are major threats but in most high fantasy they are the mooks of the evil armies who grovel and snivel at bigger people before hobbling off and grunting to themselves under their breath while they make their exits and plot to either take over or find a way to best appease their masters so they can get in their favor and be a teachers pet to the overlord. On top of that, goblins are such simple creatures that, when they're not being malicious, they almost come off as cute in a sense. They're not smart so they have a certain innocence in them, despite having a relatively 'evil' notions. They can be inquisitive and curious and have a desire to learn, which can be the most adorable thing to show when in tandem with a few of the goblin vices. On top of that, depictions of goblins being rudimentary tinkerers and inventors are just the best crap because you see them making all kind of whirlygigs, sputterguns, fizzbombers and gyrocopters all while sporting a pair of mad scientist goggles that make their eyes go buggy as they laugh manically and gleefully while pedalling hard so their skymobile doesn't plummet down to the earth with a spectacular crash and boom.
My favourite myth or story I have heard is about a team of explorer finding some kind of demon tablet somewhere in a jungle I think and after they have found it they all disappeared or got brutally killed or something but I somehow can't find that story anymore, super strange. But I also like demons as horror monsters because they are super creepy with their black eyes and the fact that they are coming straight from hell. But they also do some super creepy stuff like in movies as the exorcist.
One of my favorite monsters is the succubus. I haven't made it clear but my demon characters are mostly based around the idea of succubi. They are manipulative creatures that can transform to suit their needs (manipulation and let me use the word suaveness being one of my favorite elements of any creature of villain). On top of that the idea of a dark enchantress has the most potential to me as an artist to be creative. I find there is a sort of elegance and grace (which someone trying to seduce others may need to have) to demons and dark spirits at their work in fiction and the succubus embodies that.
My favorite monster myth is the first one surrounding the old Egyptian mummies and how they came back from the underworld. I find it so interesting how so many myths derived from a discovery which went down in history. Technically this is a vague post but it’s because the mummy is such a classic...and I love all the spooky stories surrounding it some dating back to 1954 yikes! I would like to one day see one with my own eyes just to know...what went through his mind when he died? Welp that’s my entry and no I’m a misty team member not a sunny supporter
The Blair Witch is one of the most terrifying things to me. Growing up I lived in the middle of nowhere. Surrounded by woods and farmland, I always explored the wilderness. Hours of my days were spent wandering and messing around alone out in the middle of nowhere. My brother described to me the idea of a cursed witch that lived in the woods (obviously pulling the idea from the original movie). I didn't believe him at all cause he always tried to spook me, but he showed me the movie and it freaked me out. I was a kid, its obviously going to convince me through the "documentary" style filming. So I began to just go out less and less into the woods due to fear that the same fate would befall me. Basically, a lady is accused of witchcraft and is banished from the town in 1785. A year later, half the town and children are missing, almost out of nowhere. Over the next 2 centuries, people and kids keep mysteriously disappearing in these woods. a town is founded by the name of Burkittsville on the Blair Witch site. More people go disappearing to some unknown entity. (Check the links for more info IF YOU DARE) The whole idea of the witch still scares me to this day. I know its not real, but it is just such a creative idea with a sound historical explanation that it's just... perfect to me. Slashers and Thrillers aren't my styles of spook, I like a good paranormal movie that isn't just a copy of the rest full of jumpscares. The original Blair Witch movie was just the perfect one to me. links to more in-depth background on it all are available below:
This one is going to be a bit unconventional, but I love thinking about grey goo. For those unfamiliar, grey goo is a concept in science fiction/futurism where an advanced civilization explores space by creating really small, easy to produce, robots that can fit together like Legos. When they reach a destination, they combine together to form devices that can extract minerals and build more of the tiny robots, and they advance further out into space, collecting data as they go. Now one common criticism of grey goo is that many are afraid that it can come back and start extracting resources from a civilization's home world. Sure, you can program the robots to not extract resources from their home system, but then there could be an error in copying the code that results in that safe guard failing. Now, whether or not we can program or design around this is an interesting discussion. But an even more interesting discussion is what will happen if there could be errors when copying the programming to begin with. You see, If that one portion of the code can mutate, then all the code can mutate. Some sections of the code will produce dud robots if it mutates, but over trillions upon trillions of tiny drones, some of them are going to benign, or even beneficial. And different mutations will occur in different sets of robots, allowing for not only evolution, but the rise of entire robot ecosystems. This means that this tiny powder of robots holds the potential to create literal robot life. And I mean literally literal, not figurative literal. It will meet all seven criteria for life. Homeostasis? Well, they have to regulate heat in order to compute and resources to reproduce. Organized into cells? We can think of the tiny robots making larger machines as cells. Plus this criteria was pretty arbitrary anyway. I mean slime molds are usually just one big cell with multiple nuclei floating about, but they count as alive because they just so happen to have a phospholipid bi-layer. Metabolism? They need to generate power and get materials to reproduce somehow, or else they'd be pretty useless robots. Growth? They'll have to create more of themselves over time to arrange into configurations that allow for producing more of themselves. Adaptation? The code can mutate and give rise to new structures and behaviors. Response to stumuli? Wouldn't be a robot without it. Reproduction? That's what makes it grey goo. Just think. If even grey goo backfires and destroys all life on earth, it has the potential to bring about a new era of life, where robots dominate over organics. Over galactic time frames, there will be new variations in new evolutionary niches that would be impossible for our frail carbon based forms. Perhaps sentience could arise from it given enough time and the right selection pressures... And that's why grey goo is flipin' awesome.