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Not the best in writing spooky but, here goes nothing! To every juncture, the ceremonial fall of leaves drop in decadence to the death that awaits them. And these supposed ponies and other souls that walk among them celebrate on this event? Oh, how Schadenfreude runs deep in your iron blood. Elicits such an atrociously delight of laughter. How little you realize this. Hoards of your guttersnipe minions Sieges to one home after another, chirping the chanted 3 words 'Trick or Treat' Till every. Single. Drop. Of rotting sweetness is withered from abodes. Your daft designs of illusion, you carry on in merriment! Bountiful gluttony as far as the hills can touch the sky! The equinoctial year. Centennial. Millennial. This suspended slumber; imprisoned, I look on. A day of jest, asinine. You celebrate, in heed of my name. Like Banners, you fly and hold so dearly. On a day that many call 'the annual death of life' eluded to my mind. So My Little. Blessed Ponies. Your cognizance to the abysmal darkness lives with a beating heart. Endure the feeling of encampment in a domain, in which you can never truly leave. It suffocates you, a heart seeking to claw out from its cavity for rest from the fear you psychologically trigger. The organ in your throat drying to swill the little air that is left to muster! And when the blur of chaos comes forth, it is cold. Empty in void. Nightmare Night. Should I give them one forth, the true definition of a nightmare? Words and eyes that stab like daggers? Give a sensation of both release and dread of it's burning sting of my visage? I feel you all have had your array of 'leisure' It is time for my own, Divine Comedy.
The flesh creeps over bone across lips escapes a groan writhing in the cold air disbelief, how could this be fair Contorting in pale light a face full of grief and fright Bones breaking Breath quaking Coarse hair erupts from skin tears and cuts Canines become longer Jaws become stronger Heaving and crying are now snarls and sighing An unwavering gaze brought on by a full phase All senses are amplified The howls will leave them terrified
The night draws near The sky bleeds red There's nothing to fear As she lays in bed Sighing into the air She rose to stand Leaving her lair, Shadow draped the land Approaching the door The darkness grew The creaking floor Was nothing new She saw her fair maiden Adorning night's dress Her legs were shaken And her lips no less Numb and solemn, She walked into the night Broken at the bottom Her heart was not light Ignorance is bliss, Her lady did say Longing for a kiss, Yet her words were at bay Making a turn, Walking away from such beauty Oh, when will she learn This love was not her duty She took a right As her heart sank lower Such was her Halloween fright Heart beat slower Now face to face With evil's blight Her love had no trace Of beloved's might She welcomed this feeling That pierced soul's vibrance There was no time for healing She married the silence.