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Basalt Alltrades
.Post in Nightmare Night Carnival
Of course, along with the lights, frights, and colts in filly tights, there had to be treats. And Basalt was going to find them. A stallion on a mission, his eyeballs were liberally applied to each and every single food booth, for their succulent morsels shall be sampled: no popcorn left on stick, no cotton candy left twirling in the wind, no caramel apple left not stuck to teeth, and, perhaps most importantly, no funnel cake left ungobbled.
Ephemeria Spring
.Post in Nightmare Night Carnival
The day of frights was one where even the adults had the opportunity to play dress-up and not be judged. Ephemeria Spring took that occasion to come with a simple outfit that fit within her simplistic needs and adorned a basic ragged lilac dress, accompanied with a gentle dye around the exposed parts of her coat to create a pale appearance. She topped it off with a large scissor-blade, close to two feet in length and painted red near the tip to simulate the visual of blood. Luckily, the blade was fake. The mare wouldn't dare potentially hurt another because of a need to be overly realistic. She chose to walk around quietly, every so often running up to a stranger with loud skittering steps, before waving the half-scissor prop with a hiss, at often distances a little too close for comfort if a real weapon had been in its place. The fright of Nightmare Night would be her spirit in guidance!
Neon was in her evil queen costume. Her three foals wandering around. Their bodies completely covered in pumpkin costumes. The only foal not wandering around was Cornflake who was upside down and struggling with his hooves flailing in the air. Neon sighed and helped him on his hooves where he ran off