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Livulah, He underestimates me. He believes that since others write him off, I’ll pick up my pen and do the same. Yet here I am spilling ink, writing about how my heart plays jump rope inside of my chest at the thought of unraveling his mind. Little does he know that I’m usually the one given up on, before I’ve even had a chance to really be myself. Just something small to let you know I am here and wanting to get to know you more. You are really kind and so far super fun to talk to. I love the sound of your voice too haha! But most of all you have been a great friend. I hope you have a lovely Hearts &Hooves day and that somewhere is your special somepony. Good luck on your adventure to find them in life. ~Svarlet Batfire
Frosty my good child, I am always proud of your perseverance and resilience when things go a little rocky. I am also proud and grateful that you are helping this event exist as much as you are. It is the most fitting holiday event for you to be on board with (except maybe Christmas). How proud of me are you for waiting til the last 10 minutes??? Also a few people who are either anonymous or don’t log on anymore 1. I admire you incredibly even if we don’t talk often. Big keess 2. ,':o) 3. When will you accept my loving friendship and stop tearing us apart I need an answer (and that’s only half joking >:( ) 4. I will debate anything with you for the sake of strengthening my 20000 IQ. You are a good one in this dark and dangerous fandom. Thanks for hating the same things I do, even though that’s not in the spirit of Valentine’s Day 5. :corn: hope you all had a good Thursday :sunglasses: