Roleplay Availability
About Me
Hey ^^ I'm GryphShot.Currently making the oc for this account, most of waht you see is a placeholder.
Roleplay Universe
FoE, Canon, Adapted
Roleplay Type
User Achievements
Artist, Band or Public Figure » Artist
Company, Organization, or Institution » Non-Profit Organization
Company, Organization, or Institution » Computers/Technology
Company, Organization, or Institution » Political Organization

Dream Vezpyre Desert Thorn
Dream waves at her friends, Crashie Tunez, Spark, Shadow rose, Mirage-and-Others, Krashface, Svarlet Batfire and Spoof, Nimbus, Princess Neon Synthwave, Starlight., Lucem Diem, Starlit Spackle, Shi... View More
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So to say "happy one year on this site" I'm going to tag a ton of ponies and say shit to them! also, feel free to click the bell after you read what you want to read, for i got a feeling this shit is ... View More
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*night rose is hiding a dim alley way in canterlot*
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I looked through your photos because I'm creepy. You're really good and I hope you continue in the art field.
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Thank you! <3 I'm okay with creepy, I'm a bit creepy myself cx
*night rose is in griffinstone trying to locate a target*
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Desert could be seen flying about here 'n' there, delivering letters and packages to various gryphons.
November 5, 2018
*night rose called up to her* your welcome to swing by my shop in canterlot anytime, i hope to see you again soon
November 7, 2018
"Sure! Next time I get a delivery to there I'll drop by. What's the name of the place?"
*later that night, night rose is in the residence of the griffin ambassador, hiding behind a curtain*
November 7, 2018
*night rose is walking back to the train station, she is covered in scratches and bruises*
November 8, 2018
*night rose shakes her head* i cant yet, question two did you hear what happened to that griffin?
November 14, 2018
"I... I don't remember. I think you said something about a knife? W-wait... you killed that gryphon didn't you!" She starts pushing her weight around, trying to escape from her binds only for the chair to tip over, hitting her head against the floor. The ever perturbed birdy groaned and weakly mutte... View More
*night roses watches the griffins futile struggle* that is secret information, right you will be locked up until my superiors decide what should be done to you
November 15, 2018
*night rose follows her out of the store* true but at least you can live somewhat normally again
November 19, 2018
"Yeah... I guess that's a plus. Well uh... see ya around I guess." She offered her talon forward for a handshake of some sort.
November 19, 2018
*night rose takes her talon and shakes it, with a devilish smile* i look forward to working with you, oh and you have to keep this secret from every pony and creature
November 19, 2018
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Hey now :v I'm unresponsive to the rp because I am beyond behind on all my rp's XD The others at least asked, had a nice pre-rp conversation. I'll still try to reply but work, family, and art all come first.
October 22, 2018
It was more of a reponse to your "best princess" answer but why didnt you tell me
October 22, 2018
Oooh, that also makes sense, although I can't remember which poll that was, must've been a while ago? As for why I didn't tell ya why I'm unresponsive, I don't feel the need to share things like that unless I feel they want a reason. cx
October 22, 2018
You sure do have griffin-pride there.
A soft boot gets thrown at Desert's head softly.
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Hitting Desert in the back of the head, she jumps and squawks rather startled; the smol gryphon dove under a nearby table.
October 11, 2018
She looked around for who she was talking to but dare not come out from under the table. The voice she heard was enchanting yet slightly alarming to the catbirb. "Luna, w-what is this?"
October 12, 2018
After rubbing her eyes she pinched herself to confirm that she was not dreaming. Leaning out from under the table she determined it was possibly safe. Desert crawled out from under, sticking close just in case. Her eyes were wide as she nervously glanced about.
October 12, 2018
She gazed at it curiously, not exactly sure where to look but offering a talon in the general direction anyways. "Are... are you okay?"
October 13, 2018
Desert was rather shocked; while she had heard of such a cloak to hide ones' self, she had never seen one and was less familiar with the magical mysteries in their world. "Hi? Were you... the voice?" She blushed, recalling her awkward display.
October 13, 2018
Happy birthday birby ~ !
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Gamer, Artist, Roleplayer, Techie