A Short Story Of Where Your OC Will Be In Five Years:(Sneak Peak Of My Fifth Book)It was a cold place. Not in the sense that it was freezing, but there was an eerie feeling about the island. Darkness was everywhere and Svarlet started to feel dreary. She kept walking despite her hooves feeling heavy as they became covered in the sticky mush. Spoof stayed close and Svarlet could tell he was nervous. The sound of a twig breaking somewhere to the right had broken the silence. The noise had echoed through the air as Svarlet spun around frantically looking for the source of the noise. She heard soft voices all around them." Hah." Svarlet chuckled aloud. "Good to see the Whispering Island living up to its name." She was just trying to lighten the mood but as she spoke, she noticed Spoof floating away in a flash. He stopped behind a tree and peeked out, looking at her and shivering. Svarlet, scared to turn around felt a breeze from behind. Suddenly, from behind her, there was a huge glow that overwhelmed Spoof's own and lit up everything in front Svarlet. A Drawing Of Your OC In Five Years:(This Is In About More Than Five Years. Part Of Her Story Arch. Art And Redesign By BeamyButt)
Share With Us Where You Plan To Be At In Five Years:We all know that where we plan to be is different than where we truly end up. I have made plans that will help me to save enough money. Enough to be able to buy a property and start building my own home. These plans also took into account taxes, hook-ups, bills, and most importantly resources. It has not taken into account any unforeseeable work circumstances such as layoffs, firings, pay/hour cuts, replacements, or transfers. I will be working on those later but for now I hope to have a property bought, built, and livable in around 5+ years! Because who wants to live with family for the rest of their lives? Hahah.What Goals You Want To Accomplish In Your Life In The Span Of Five Years:(I See "Plans" Being Separate From "Goals". I Have A Lot Of Unrealistic Goals. I Am Slowly Going To Make Them Realistic.)1 Year ~ I have been streaming a lot. I got affiliate in a month and then I lost my laptop to water damage and had not good internet once I got a new laptop. I am hoping I can find some and get my streaming back to normal. It may take about a year though because I still struggle with money, and everything is so expensive now.2 Years ~ I have paid someone, and they are helping me to build my own website. I am hoping it will be done fully and PUBLIC in about 2 years. There is no way it will be public before that as I have too much work to do on it first, after the base code is done.3 Years ~ My art has gotten a lot better and although I feel like I have enough confidence to animate, I am still not ready. I feel like I will ruin it. So, I would like to learn to animate. I am hoping to learn the basics in about 3 years.4 Years ~ I am a slow learner. One thing I hope to learn sooner than later is coding. I can't seem to retain anything educational so it may be harder and slower to do. Hopefully I can get the basics down in 4 years. I am going to need it.5 Years ~ I am slowly continuing to write my books and even though I am NOWHERE near done, I hope to finish them (all 30+) in the span of 5 years!
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