NAMEGENDERSPECIESBODY COLOURI don't know what I love more: The fact that you have the decency to know that socks are stupid looking, or the fact that you deliberately applied socks to make your character look stupid. MANE COLOUREYE COLOUR
FOALHOODWOW WHAT A NICE DETAILED CHILDHOOD SUMMARY YOU HAVE HERE.I’m not going to spend more than 2 minutes thinking about any section that has a whole 3 sentences dedicated to it. You have an opportunity to be thoughtful and create an environment that will eventually cultivate your OC in the future, but hey - work is effort. And effort is a waste.Take your two remaining braincells and do something interesting with your character’s childhood.Also you used the term ‘mary sue’ improperly, but whatever. I don’t give a fuck.CUTIE MARKTo put it bluntly, I never like receiving incomplete characters. The point of a cutie mark is to allow small children to identify character’s traits by a visible symbol. Don’t be lazy. Holy shit this entire thing is a mess. It’s so meme worthy it almost hurts. I’m sorry, what?
Lazy is most certainly an adequate word to describe your OC. CUTIE MARK STORY
PERSONALITY.I do not like where this is going.And, we’re done here. See you guys next week. This is where I draw the line.
Pony - Earth
Cream (I know what you're going to say about socks but screw you socks make her look like a slut and I love it)
Hot Pink and Coral
Raised by a wealthy family she was a spoiled brat. She was the mary sue of childhood, getting what she wanted, whenever she wanted. The only thing she had to do was behave and she sometimes felt she had no control over her life even though she could have anything she ever wanted at the snap of a theoretical finger.
Luciette does not possess a cutie mark. To put it bluntly I never liked squeezing a character and “their special talent” in one picture/image. To me the concept is bland, and narrowing to your character unless you make it something really vague— then after that whats the point of a cutiemark? But not having one actually has a story in itself. Luciette is a decendant from another pony species called Azurians. They are similar to Equestrian ponies however they lack cutiemarks and habe larger builts and actual horse hooves. Azuria originally was a race of pure pegasus species but after the kingdom fell the Azurians mixed with the Equestrians. No cutiemark is a dominant trait in the gene pool apparently but its mostly my lazy cop-out excuse for not giving any of my OCs cutiemarks.
Luciette is a decendant from another pony species called Azurians. They are similar to Equestrian ponies however they lack cutiemarks and habe larger builts and actual horse hooves.
habe larger builts
actual horse hooves.
its mostly my lazy cop-out excuse for not giving any of my OCs cutiemarks.
Luciette is a money whore- quite litterally. As you would expect she’s an extrovert but if the role calls for it she can pretend to be a shy little virgin mare who’s looking for love, batting big doe eyes at you. She lives for vanity and escorts her way around Paris to get what she wants. She’s not above manipulating the more slimy ponies as long as their pockets are deep. She does have a softer side to her where she enjoys deep conversations and quiet evenings over looking the city. She has no desire to have children or have a future in general. She insists on living in the moment, enjoying the pleasures of life and false love. Though underneath her facade of being a perfect, high maintenance princess she holds a longing to actually be what she pretends to be. She knows no matter how she looks or how she acts she feels shes nothing but worthless on the inside. Her thoughts are "I'm nothing on the inside, so I'll be everything on the outside." She seeks a true and tender love deep down but her snarky face and prissy attitude will never let it show. She would rather die than look weak.
Luciette is a money whore- quite litterally.
she can pretend to be a shy little virgin mare who’s looking for love, batting big doe eyes at you.
Last update on September 5, 7:06 pm by Starlit Spackle.