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For a while now, I've been thinking of starting a casual, location-based thread [s]shamelessly ripping off[/s] heavily influenced by Callahan's from Spider Robinson's collection of stories. For those unfamiliar with it {and diving straight into the adapted version of it}, the basic premise is of a seemingly ordinary bar oft visited by individuals of, shall we say, varying ordinariness. A place where everyone is accepted, whoever or whatever they might be, and may bring their troubles with them, and hopefully leave with a few less. A place where puns flow as readily as the drinks and strange stories are told as often as they take place.
The Rules Of The Thread:
Absolutely no violence - this is a hard rule, and any posts to the contrary will be godmodded right out of the thread, and I may even ask a moderator to remove the offending post {it's up to them whether or not to do so, though}. You may PM me for permission, but unless there's a hell of a story it's going to facilitate, it's highly unlikely I'd give it.
While the original Callahan's stories are pretty casual about, shall we say, physical affection, let's avoid any explicitly sexual content. Implying stuff is all cool, but this is a thread for all ages.
What happens at Crosswood's doesn't have to stay at Crosswood's - if anyone wants to make a spinoff thread, go to town - we'll be looking forward to hearing about it afterwards.
As much as I am a fan of princess Luna, the Night Will Not Actually Last Forever - after a while {in-character time, that is}, the bar will close and reopen the next evening. If popular opinion wills it, after a while we may even timeskip a couple of weeks or months.
You can be a newcomer or an old-time regular - if you want to be the latter, PM me and we'll go over the backstory. If you're the former, we'll see how well I can manage playing multiple characters.
The Rules Of The Bar:
Shared pain is lessened. Shared joy is increased.
Puns are encouraged only because because they can't be made mandatory.
While people may often open up about their troubles, unlike dancing, prying is forbidden. If someone is caught prying, they will often have a close encounter with a blackjack and ejected into the parking lot. They are more welcome to come back in, though - Crosswood keeps plenty of Aspirin in the first aid box under the bar.
Most days there is a Contest - the tallest tale, puzzle or riddle winner or worst pun of the evening drinks free. Not the first day of the thread, really, I can only handle so much {and lemme tell you, the much ain't much. I am open to suggestions, even!}
If a person wants to share something with the rest of the bar, be it their troubles or their thoughts, it's traditional to throw their glass into the fireplace - it's curved so the glass doesn't fly as much. After that, they have the floor, and everyone's attention.
Have fun!