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It has been half of a year since the infection began to spread.
In the beginning, it started slow. A few crazy homeless folks and drug addicts where trying to eat people. Then murders or accidents where the dead would resurge and bite apart the guards and bystanders alike until they where beaten down. They tried to quarantine communities, separating all in contact with the infection. They thought maybe it was in the air. Or maybe blood to skin. But it was death Itself. Even the bites where just an infection that killed you. It was death that claimed you. No one knew how everyone ended up with this death ‘defying’ disease. But In about half a year, everyone was on their own. No princesses, and food, safety, weapons, and water got sparser and sparser. Jewelry became useless strips of metal that make you liable to snagging. Buildings became either safe havens or deadly cages. Families have been ripped apart, torn from each other and pulled apart limb by limb.
The princesses and all those holed up inside Canterlot have an impenetrable barrier surrounding them, and those outside have lost contact with those within. It’s every creature for themselves.
So now, it’s late summer. A Thursday. The air is a humid 80° F, and it’s pouring down with heavy rain, soaking anyone who’s outside longer then a few minutes. Visibility is a fuzzy half mile, and the dead roam, groaning in the streets and towns and roads and betwixt the trees.
Where do you stand?
Winged Creatures: To fly, you use the air to your advantage right? Well the air is dead. Yes there is wind and weather, but the best grip your wings can have on the air is a slightly higher lift when you jump, and a glide to keep you from breaking your neck if you fall. Unfortunately, no flying for you, but you have a agility advantage. Parkoooouuuuur!
Magical beans: Your magic has been dampened by that same strange world deadening effect. You now only have access to minor Magic’s, ex. Lesser telekinesis (small objects), No teleportation, minor healing(heal small wounds and somewhat stabilize large ones), etc.
Guns/weapons: No automatic, or semi automatic weapons. Basically, keep your weaponry simple.
Canon characters: Definitely welcome., however depending on the character we may have to discuss further.
Immunity: Nobody is immune to this. There are no potions, no spells, no science, no anything that can give you immunity. Everybody’s in the same boat
Stats: I want y’all to have some genuine weaknesses and some pretty fine strengths. No bodies gonna be high numbers across the board. If you wanna be an Everyman, 5’s or 4’s and 6’s across, you’re welcome to it. But if we get out of hand, then it just dampens the experience. Failing’s half the fun.
Emotions: Death in the zombie apocalypse is practically a part of life. Or at least it is after you get used to it, which is something many have difficulty with. If someone close to your character dies, or a team mate or something, depending on how close you where, feel free to act on those emotions. Maybe your character acts rashly for awhile to get out anger, or can’t think straight, or has hallucinations, or has to cry in a corner for awhile. No one is cold to such things. Emotional reactions to other things as well can be interesting.
Permadeath?:If your own character dies, you can either leave the role play, or you can create a new character, send it to me, and merge back into the game. You can allow your character to be killed if you want to play someone else, or other reasoning.
Replies: If it’s your turn to reply, and you don’t with in 7-8 days, then I will take control of your character, and kill them off to make a smoother transition, or send them away to a base of some sort not to be seen again, so they don’t just go poof. However, if you warn me you will be leaving temporarily(or permanently), you or I can set your character in a safe place (base or safe house) until you come back, or kill them off in a way ‘Fun for the entire family!’
-{A highly edited walking dead character template by the Visionary Dame on DeviantArt. Please fill it out best you can so once we have enough people to begin, we can all figure out where we will be starting.
When you finish it, send it to me through messages, and I will accept you, ask you to add something more, or disapprove it.}-
Character Template:
(Anything with a * is optional but recommended )
Occupation(Both before and after the apocalypse):
General Appearance: ((Height/Body type, Colour/design description, Tattoos or scars, Accessories, etc. if you have a reference image for this, you use that instead.
Victim(s) (I don’t mean the walkers):
Reputation(if you have one.):
Friend(s)(dead or Alive):
Enemy(ies)(Dead or alive):
Misc Relations:
Fighting Style/gear:
Preferred Weapon(s):
(On a scale of 1-10; 1 being terrible and 10 being the best)
Knowledge: /10
Conceptualization Power(How good are you at coming up with ideas?): /10
Motivation(Your motivation to stay alive, how much effort are you willing to put in to surviving): /10
Will to Act(WillPower, or your will to act on your ideas): /10
Agility: /10
Swordsmanship (Any Bladed Weapon): /10
Hoof-to-Hoof Combat: /10
Long Range Accuracy(Guns, Bows, etc): /10
Offensive skills: /10
Defensive skills: /10
Social Skills(Democracy): /10
Character Background:
|Sunny Lemon aka Krash Face|
Map of Equestria. X’s mark inaccessible areas. X’s on roads or tracks mean something is blocking access to a main area.
Last update on March 20, 8:36 pm by Astéri.