Sad his is inactive.
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Just discovered the Fairytale Festival. Looks like I'll be adding them to my list of Anthems to watch for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WiNBd_aDo9o
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turn up those speakers
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I once had dreams of making it big in the Brony Fandom with Hardstyle but I was stumped in the creativity department. Made a few melodies and doodles that people seemed to enjoy but could just never r... View More
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I'm a big fan of Hardstyle. x3 Excited to meet some Pony Hardstyle artists!
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In terms of Pony Artists the only real active one I'm aware of is Royal Pony. Not necessarily the best but he's not bad either. I like the old Pony Artist K.O.R.B though he kind of just disappeared back around the Season 2-3 Hiatus. Anyways, here's a link to Royal Pony:
December 6, 2017
He was the only one I, personally, was aware of. I can't say I'm a informed on active artists as I was back in Season 2-4 so I apologize. Mind linking to your stuff so I can add you to my list :D
Probably the best song released this year in my opinion
Untitled Video
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