Amari would walk into the Mercy Guard training field fully equipped with her gear: her white and gold battle armor, her collapsible staff;still experimentle and broken; on her back and a holstered bla... View More
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The Memorial
The protoss was not far from the entrance, watching over a couple of armored trainees as they did their best to patch imaginary wounds in not-so-imaginary mannequins. He would soon notice the arrival of the mare and slowly made his way towards there, making sure to still keep an eye on the students.... View More
March 30, 2019
She spread her wings and glided over to him “Yes are they ready where do I sign?” She looked excited for once
March 31, 2019

The Memorial
He pushed over a couple of papers and pointed at specific points of them. "You may want to read the therms first though. Not that they're bad or anything, but in the case of... You know, desertion, intentional friendly fire, harming civilians, things like that..."
March 31, 2019
She soon had read all the papers and asked for the quill "Done now where do I sign?"
March 31, 2019
Canterlot. The capital city of Equestria, home to most of the Unicorn population in the country and therefore the most dangerous place for a Protoss to be. The air itself was filled with magic, every ... View More