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Trixie Lulamoon
{Clutch-kick's Dealership, Bayview District, Plesant Bay. Late Morning.}
Trix would pull out of the Dealership lot with her new Buick Regal GNX. She was originally going to buy an RX-8, but, she deci... View More
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*she smiles a little at the message, before pulling out in the Buick Regal gnx she had chosen, blue of course. But now she starts to drive towards one of the daytime races, almost wondering if she shouldn’t wear something to keep herself anonymous*
September 13, 2019

*she nods at him, taking the pamphlet* Thanks. *she then opens the pamphlet to read through it, it’ll more than likely have something useful in it*
September 13, 2019

Trixie Lulamoon
The Leviathan Course. It was a sprint race that ripped through the city, starting by the coast, working its away through the city center, and ending up in the mountains. Tons of turns... WHole city was on practical lockdwn today, thanks to it. It's THAT big. Hell of an option for a first race. And w... View More
September 13, 2019

*she nods as she reads. Before waiting for the race to start.*
September 15, 2019