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Tony Jumano

Male. Lives in Scrapsdale Flats,  Manehattan,  Equestria. 52 years old
Misc. RP Information
PFP made by Baby
Tony's back baby, and he's walking here!
I'll do most any site appropriate RP with Tony, though he's largely a wall RP character.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts
Common locations your character will be
His flat, working odd jobs
Title(s) / Rank
Lieutenant, Lead Technician
Skin / Coat Color
Gray with light black scaled underbelly
Eye Color
Deep blue
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Blowtorch crossed with a heavy duty wrench
Design Description
Tony is a unicorn/dragon hybrid with the body of a unicorn with a few distinct dragon features. These features include a long dragon tail, scaled underbelly, and dragon ears. His fur is light brown, and short with a slick, but messy brown mane. Tony can be found typically wearing the garb he wore aboard the ship he served on. Heavy duty black, long sleeved shirt with a bright yellow safety vest, steel plated gray beanie, and heavy duty engineers goggles.
Machines, Italian food, Long walks through industrial areas
Broken machines, Pasta without sauce, Probably you
Detailed Personality
Tony is generally a loudmouth with no filter whatsoever. He'll tell you what he's thinking without any sort of sugar coating, or censoring, and has no qualms telling someone off if he feels the need to. Despite this Tony does actually know when to keep his mouth shut. He just prefers not to most of the time. He's dedicated when working, and fiercely loyal to those he sees as friends, or superiors. Though he has no idea where he is he's still fiercely devoted to the Equestrian Defense Corps, and ... View More
Former Aerospace Engineer, Current Handyman
PHD in Aerospace Engineering
Masters in Electrical/Mechanical Engineering.
Detailed History
Tony has no history. All that happened in the future.
Assets / Bits / Property
A flat in Manehatten
Tools+Tool belt
Currently inoperable Environmental Protection Suit
PDP-523 Laser Operated Personal Defense Pistol
Collection of memorabilia from the 1920's-1940's
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Aerospace, mechanical, and electrical engineering.
Making spaghetti.
Proficient with small firearms
Basic levitation
A few others
Basic Info
Last Login:
March 9, 2025
Member Since:
April 17, 2019
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