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Lilly Dawn

Female. Lives in  Crystal Empire,  Equestria. Born on June 17, 2003
Misc. RP Information
I don't RP much, but just thought id join because I like MLP
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
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Common locations your character will be
not sure yet
Skin / Coat Color
light pink
Eye Color
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
a pink and yellow star with a pink ribbon wrapped around
Design Description
baby pink coat
purple, straight, long mane with yellow streaks
long tail, same colors
magic, art, her hobbies (sewing, painting, baking)
loneliness, bright lights, loud noises, loud cities
Detailed Personality
Lilly Dawn is the kind of friendly mare you'd expect to meet in Ponyville. she loves her friends and family, and while she might take studying her magic a little seriously, she's no twilight sparkle. she has the habit of oversharing and trusting ponies too quickly, and has a hard time reading red flags.
a magic student of Celestia until teen years
Detailed History
Lilly Dawn was born in Canterlot, and while she might sound like a prestigious unicorn on paper, she is a kind, gentle, and loving pony. she left Canterlot to study magic in the crystal empire after its return, and spends her days browsing the library and trying to improve her magic. of course she makes time for her friends on days off, and she loves hosting and attending parties with them.
Assets / Bits / Property
comes from a semi-wealthy family from Canterlot, enherited her parents old house but then later sold it to live in the crystal empire
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
magic, incredible baker, surprisingly good at snowboarding
(besides basic spells like telekinesis, transfiguration spells, and teleportation), Teleportation, Mind Manipulation (Memory Magic, Hypnosis) Magic Nullification, Gravity Alteration, Barriers (to name a few)
Basic Info
Birth Date:
June 17, 2003
Last Login:
August 13, 2020
Member Since:
May 26, 2020
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