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Lock On

Male. 30 years old
by on February 5, 2020
A few days into kindergarten, and Everglow is already being bullied. Fortunately, the little one followed Lock's advice and reports it to the teacher, whom (who?) promptly calls the parents of both sides. Long story short, Lock had to confront an adamant bully's parents which escalated quicky. After patching himself up and covering the gryphon claw marks under bandages, Lock introduces Everglow to comfort food, this one being a waffle, a scoop of ice-cream on top, and a whole lot of toppings....
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by on November 15, 2019
Lock On genuinely dislike dfoals in general, and the sneaking suspicion that the orphanage had been feeding the child with sweet lies about himself wasn't helping. Despite all that, the moment that tiny little Everglow called him "Papa" was without a doubt, one of the weirder days of his life. He felt so happy and content, yet wistful at the thought that he's standing before this child without "mama", which the child mentioned soon after. He's delayed bringing the little one home, for reaso...
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by on September 6, 2019
Lock On is as cheap as a private company co-founder can get, even as he was about to be a father. The office he calls home is no place to raise a child, he had to get a house. Problem is, rents in the capital city of Equestria can be a bit...pricey. Nothing that breaks his bank, but when this offer came up, he took it faster than you can say "What did I agree to again?". He's going to raise the kid in his boss's house.
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by on December 18, 2018
Despite the guild's best efforts, rumours regarding a possibly uncharted island in the Unknown West seems to have spread since the leaking of one crew member's logbook, and the unexpected arrival of Fruit Face and his kin, the latter in which are still being searched for. The story is different but gets more exaggerated with every pony it's whispered to, until the supposed island is now an entire continent, somehow undiscovered and remains lost. Lock had made an entire list in attempt to div...
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