With my War and combat related peers in several discord servers, we have one type of balance when it comes to powers, I'm sure everyone also have their own type of measurements or goes on a free for all, after all the idea is to have fun with it. (2019... c'mon now...)
When it comes to powers, there's three category of powers to go along with it.
- The style basically simplifies everything that a normal human being is capable to achieve through training, or special animal trait, like underwate...
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- "Celestia and Luna: Your crates will have a slightly delay, because catching dark salmon is hard, why do you want salmon, Equestrians don't eat that, we do, but if you wanna try them out then fine, just a little more."
- "Cambia: is resurrecting the dead again, we're not responsible of what she does next."
- "Snow: visited a couple of days ago, and is flirting with the biggest mares there is, she's so small probably would fit in their saddlebags."
- "Charlie: only visited to buy Egyptian ...
Gotta make one if anyone is looking for cheap headshots can ask me about.
Basically what you see in my profile is what I can do, for only $ 5 USD through PayPal, shading, background included.
Thank you for your time, I better save so I can finally buy myself a tablet then learn the magics of it. Since everything I do is with mouse/keyboard.
Names: Maxh D'Aldebaran
Last Name: Scratch "Alternative Universe"
Age: 30
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I got the stuff you asked me to get, minus the golden apple, I have the mightiest chocolate beans from this dimension as well, so... yeah just a little more for the trinity of deliciousness is created, WHICH I ask your holy butts to stop raising taxes just because you don't like the letter "A" please?
No, I'm not gonna kidnap the princesses here so you could have a wrestling match with, Luna.
No, I'm not going to spread the Jester dust you gave me, so everyone could be turned into a clown t...
About swooping down like a hunting hawk, and taking my chocolate supply, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Wtcn_MkKL8
I still like you, you and the Moon Queen are my favorites, may also add to smooch somewhere we can't hear you two, these smooching sounds like SMHGFHCHSDMHSDMH.
Yeah like that.
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We need a suitable amount of apples, for the upcoming celebrations, I'm willing to pay the full price for at least a ton of these, I'm probably taking the entire thing but alas, we are thousands and thousands of night dwellers, who enjoy the great winter celebration, and trust me these apples will get drink up, like a desert survivor on a smoothie.
P.S: The one called Applejack needs to be my wife, I mean my business partner.
P.S 2: The bits have been sent by the company gal, so is on it's ...
.... LOL you're a princess now? lord have mercy. Your double here thinks you're a nerd, come visit sometimes.
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Because you barely receive any magic E-mail nowadays, here's one, I just made the dragon burp on this letter, it may be pretty spicy since he's been eating lots of carolina reapers, damned thing eating em like candy.
Anyways, I got your shipment of special tea, the sleeping tea, yes that one... do I look like a dealer or what? ... maybe I do, anyways passing by and dropping the special cargo, now you'll give me your scarf as payment, m'kay?
Tell your sister the next: Hot diggedy damn.
Today I learned that, you can't use coffee beans to attract the costumers to your club, also I would likely ask you to stop stealing my chocolate beans, they're precious, certain Bug Fairy pokemon Queen wants them, and if I don't give these to her, she'll just cocoon me upside down, again.
I don't like that, makes me feel all fuzzy, if you need your cargo then let me know, tell your sisters that I couldn't find the blue cherries she asked, BUT! I found the golden raspberries, so that's someth...