Misc. RP Information
The friends list on this account are users I've had good roleplays with and would recommend others roleplay in the future. So in a way it's my "List of people I'd recommend roleplaying with". And sending a friend request without having roleplayed with me will net you a return friendship request from my secondary account, Lemon Breeze. If you start a roleplay with me, I'll do everything I can to be consistent with you, that's my promise. And if you want to stop roleplaying, just say so! Everythin... View MoreThe friends list on this account are users I've had good roleplays with and would recommend others roleplay in the future. So in a way it's my "List of people I'd recommend roleplaying with". And sending a friend request without having roleplayed with me will net you a return friendship request from my secondary account, Lemon Breeze. If you start a roleplay with me, I'll do everything I can to be consistent with you, that's my promise. And if you want to stop roleplaying, just say so! Everything will be on good terms.I love pony roleplaying with a passion. I've been at it several years too. I roleplay action, adventure, and even a halfway decent mystery one could be fun.
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Wall Posts, Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Ponyville, Everfree, occasionally travels
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Design Description
A unicorn stallion of average height. Coat color: CD853F Main/Tail colors: A0522D, FDDCB3, 77BF43 . Eyes: 65CF1B. Magic color: 30F9F0 . Cutie mark:
A carbon atom with square glasses.(black background shade added in custom CSS for easier readability of the hex colors)
Wait, ponies have to earn their money??
The human world
Chiller Sway had a human American education up until 9th grade, at which point he was sent to Equestria.
Detailed History
I have a timeline for that but it's intertwined with another roleplay so I'll have to rewrite it.Ahem, here goes.
[] (this symbol means I need to fill in the timeline some more around this point. I've skipped over a few encounters and bonding moments on accident)Seafoam and Sway got captured by [I'm sure I'll come up with something less racist than zebra sometime in the future]. Rather ritualistic ones, who planned to sacrifice the pair to their all-powerful god. And here Seafoam gained her first scar underneath her left haunch, the skin cut in order for the ritual. Seafoam managed to bargain for their lives. If she beat their finest warrior in combat, then it would be believed that she was blessed power from their god, and must be set free. The strength of her bluff surprised Sway for more reasons than one. He never thought of Seafoam as having the ability to lie. Yes, she'd been somewhat cold to him with fleeting moments of warmth up to this point, but she always spoke the truth and rarely downplayed their situations. She cared for him enough to play somewhat dirty. The subsequent fight Sway had to watch from a fence he was leashed to. There wasn't one bit he could help Seafoam with, and her wings were still bound to prevent her simply fleeing the scene. And Sway's stress only rose as both combatants were allowed only spears in the duel. Was Seafoam trained in spears? Enough to defeat somepony that certainly was? Her opponent was a steely, battle-forged stallion with only two fires in his soul: Maintain his title, and win the battle. Seafoam scraped out a victory, not without taking heavy damage however. Sway had never seen such brutality, and nearly moved to tears out of the stress of it all. It was not his first encounter with death, as the ice creature a week or two prior had show, but Seafoam was there for him.
Every item taken from the pair were returned, and they made it out safely. Sway had kept his composure in order to be brave for his adoptive mother figure as she fought for his life. Staying calm was the least he could do, and she did compliment him for it despite her injuries and shortness of breath. Only half a mile out from the scene, she collapsed out of exhaustion and loss of blood. For the first moment so far, Sway had to be self-reliant. His and Seafoam's lives were still in the balance.
How well did Sway pay attention while Seafoam was awake to teach him? That was the test he now faced. Matted with Seafoam's blood on his back he came to a river to wash up, and finally take a moment to think about what he'd just gone through. Simply thinking back to her duel had his heart racing. His bravery was just a front, and in the river he let his tears of doubt was across his face. He didn't have what it took to really be valuable to his new mother. She did all the hard work between them. Gathering food and building shelter, yeah Sway was uncomfortable and sweaty and ached from the work, but Seafoam did far more, and he took her for granted. Now he was crying in the river. What a waste of energy. The futility made him cry even more. The sun's energy was what woke Sway the following morning. His fur was a mess because of the river, and muddy since once he was out he just laid in the dirt with his unconscious mother. They hadn't anything to eat for over 16 hours, and Seafoam still wasn't waking up. There was nopony around to help right now, and he'd only made it 3 miles from the enemy before coming across the river. He couldn't let a repeat of yesterday happen again. And no, that was enough crying and feeling sorry for himself. Despite only being 14, this was him vs. the world. He had one pony to do the work around here, and one very exhausted pony to take care of as well. He straightened up and decided the first order of business was not his needs, but Seafoam's. He could go looking for food, but she needed to be put somewhere safe while he was out. Through this general thought process he would go over the rest of the day.
Sway managed to pull through two days being totally reliant on himself and the lessons Seafoam had taught him. And in the afternoon of that second day Seafoam finally awoke, finding herself carefully placed in a makeshift bed, cleaned and cared for the best Sway knew how. Proudly speaking to her once she was fed, she congratulated him, bonding the pair a little more with the following conversation they had. They pressed on, venturing further into Equestria.
Roughly a week later Seafoam and Sway found themselves in a combat encounter in a dense woodland. With Seafoam there, they were pulling out ahead, before suddenly a shadowy purple and gray pony in a red cloak appeared. He was an extremely similar fighter to the vampire they'd met in the past, though he surprised them after the skirmish by asking to join as a third member. Ra'eel he called himself. Despite their doubts of his true intentions, they agreed to let him join with them instead of fighting him about it. He took a great interest in them and their story in Equestria so far, even sharing his craft as a fashion expert before encountering a mysterious necklace. Sway felt pity for his situation, and trust grew between the three of them.
Sway was sound asleep that night, a new comfort with a third group member, finally a magic user. His rest was interrupted by a sharp pain in his head, waking him with a howl as he scrambled to get to his feet. His drowsy vision fogged over and he swung his hooves wildly, screaming for Seafoam in a panic for his life. He was interrupted by the horrifying reveal of Ra'eel's voice assuring him the pain would pass, and they would become one.
Sway isn't sure what happened next, but by the time his senses returned to him Seafoam and Ra'eel were in the middle of fighting. Fireballs flew everywhere in an attempt to maim the pegasi, burning the grass all around the trio and adding even more to Sway's horrified feeling. But Seafoam needed his help, so he dashed to retrieve his own weapon just as Seafoam appeared to have. He struck a spot on Ra'eel's back where Seafoam's blade had already drawn blood, causing Ra'eel to scream in distorted pain and lash out even more.
It took its time, but their vicious attacker was finally defeated. He laughed and displayed his fangs, revealing himself as a vampony stallion. And he said that his lord will eventually come for ponies of their strength. And when his gave out, he disappeared into a thick cloud of purple and black smoke, blowing away into the breeze. Sway and Seafoam tend to their wounds, resting again for the night. But Sway couldn't ignore the fact that they were tricked, and likely nothing of what the unicorn said about himself was the truth. This marked their second encounter with a vampire, too. They were surely going to run into more on their journeys... He rests on the thought that hopefully they don't grow any worse. He has hallucinations for the next 5 minutes after the battle, but he did catch a glimpse of a dark grey unicorn, draped in a dazzling cape, wielding a scepter at his side. And Sway would feel an intense urge to find this stallion, do whatever he wanted, gain unfathomable power...
Tirek had been making his dazzlingly fast march across Equestria, taking the magic essence out of everypony he came across. And those who Discord specially located. And at first Sway was astonished by Discord's presence, acting all excited to meet him, even though the Spirit of Chaos had never met the colt before. Introductions were short however, as Tirek suddenly appeared and drained the essence from the two. This killed Chiller Sway, as unbeknownst to him he had an unusually high concentration of magic making up his body. It was the best the Santurnari could do to bring him in pony form. They could have never predicted it would backfire this badly on the colt. And at his young age. Sway awoke later the same day, as the stolen magic was restored to him and Seafoam through currently unknown means. And he woke to the most unexpected sight. For the first time ever, he saw Seafoam crying, holding him near to herself and listening to his renewed heartbeat. Unfortunate as the circumstances were, the pair had never been so close before. And their bond was only growing from here...
Seafoam and Sway had come across their first little outpost: The Disorganization. It was a rowdy little camp of mares and stallions that had gone their own ways from various places, all coming here and sticking together in the relatively uncharted southern lands of Equestria. When Seafoam and Sway ask if they’ve encountered any vampires, the occurrence was more common than they had expected. The rumor was that the remnants of Sombra’s horn was the blame for creating the vampires. It would explain the fangs and dark smoke. Perhaps weakness to the sun was a mutation.
Sway confided in Seafoam that this worried him a lot. He explained the history of King Sombra, and his fright of encountering something of that magnitude. But Seafoam reminded him that he’s been training with her for weeks. Even at his age, he can outperform the average grown stallion in most physical feats. Plus the rare Equestrian combat training. Should Sway find himself in trouble, he has the tools to overcome.
There’s something about them investigating the rumors. Writing is hard.
Seafoam reported back to Sway that a group of ponies were already preparing to fight the vampires. She suggested they both go to aid the fight. Reluctantly Sway agreed. He was in good hooves with Seafoam around, and he wanted to prove to her that her training him wasn’t for nothing. It was a 2-day flight with Seafoam carrying Sway, a feat that shouldn’t have been a surprise to Sway given her other physical feats.
Arriving at the camp was jarring for Sway to say the least. Ponies all about were physically intimidating, armored up, most hard swords. He felt pretty small, and perhaps silly with his weapon of choice: A flanged mace. Seafoam did her best to teach him with the unfamiliar weapon, and he was more confident with it now than back with the unnamed ice creature. He wasn’t sure how he’d serve a cause here, but he was sure going to try!
He was introduced to the leader, Banner, for assignment. Turns out the first strike was going to be in a few days, and they had light armor in his size. After a test of his fighting capabilities, they also upgraded his weapon choice to a include a steel core for extra weight and control. Sway just had to train, learn the ponies he was fighting with, and wait for the day of the first attack. Seafoam, Sway, and just over a dozen ponies went into the first raid: A small outpost where vampires had been seen making rounds and storing food. Thanks to the element of surprise they were able to win with no casualties, giving Sway a huge boost of morale. In fact he aided in fighting one of the vampires, so he was pretty impressed with himself. But the most unexpected thing happened when every vampire in the building shrieked into black smoke, leaving no prisoners. How every one of the vampires disappeared at the same time went unexplained, but at least the spoils of the outpost were free for the taking. They took the food, weapons, clothing, and a couple scrolls, and returned to the main base.
Two more outposts fell in similar manner, though Sway did not attend these raids. It was surprising to the organizers just how easy it was, and they were beginning to think they’d overprepared. But Sway and Seafoam noted that very few of the vampires demonstrated the abilities they’d encountered from Ra’eel. That being the fireballs and the spell that gave Sway the hallucinations. Thankfully nopony was letting their guard down, for the fourth outpost was a dramatic change of pace in this war…Fighters returned with injuries and one casualty. Vampires in the fourth outpost were displaying abilities like Sway had described. Conjuring fireballs, levitating objects, and a new one: lightning spells. And a vampire had also let it slip that they were not as they originally seemed. They had an overlord, and they were not vampires. Rather, a hivemind of wizards, with the overlord in control. He was shortly blown up thereafter, but his news was revelatory to the group. Extra precautions were taken for the next raid, as there were only a few spots that were known. They were likely to be fortified now that their movement was noted by the wizards.Seafoam and Sway had a talk after the meeting. She assured him that helping was a good cause, but gave him the choice to be somewhere safe as she handled the fighting. She didn’t want to leave this behind, and after speaking some more Sway was going to stay with her. She stuck with him when it was hard, he’s going to do the same for her. They hugged and went to bed. Their next assignment was going to be in two days with some hurried doubling of supplies. It was going to be a busy week for them, that’s for sure.
Sway was helping volunteers move supplies, readying for their next attack the following day. He was just an hour away from break time when a scout rushed in in a panic, screaming “The wizards are here! Everypony ready!” With only this short notice to prepare, Sway grabbed some light armor, scrambled for his mace, and that’s when the attack happened. Unusually high-level wizards came to raid in broad daylight, utilizing shadow teleportation, levitation, and fireballs alike. It was utter chaos, and Sway was lucky to flee with his life, he felt. There was no hope for the base, more wizards were showing up to fight, and ponies were fleeing just like Sway was. He couldn’t wait for Seafoam, who was surely in the middle of the chaos. He had to run, or things would only get worse. He fled into the woods, not stopping until he knew he’d be safe to recover his breath. After stopping at sunset, Sway started to establish an unsuspecting shelter for the night, finally having a moment to rest afterward. He also did sustain one injury from a lightning bolt and now had time to check it. Weirdly enough he felt little pain through his body from such an attack, and checking the struck portion of his back revealed only a slight singe in his coat. With the bolt he was struck with, he was expecting a lot more damage… He chalks it up to an unusually weak attack and prepares an inconspicuous shelter, just hoping Seafoam is alright in all this…
Sway is careful to avoid capture from the patrolling wizards, who are looking for the ponies that fled the battle the day prior. He’s quite self-reliant, and has a main goal: finding Seafoam, and making sure she’s ok. On the second day he noticed a regular pony flying overhead, and he calls out to them for help. To his surprise the pony does, and says his name is Rain Trough, and he has an idea where the ponies might be regrouping at, and he carries him to the new site. Sure enough, the pegasi’s information is right and leads them to the regrouping ponies, eventually reuniting Seafoam and Sway, but Seafoam is injured on two of her legs. She insists on being in fighting condition, wanting to see this through. Going through the remaining supplies that could be taken from the raid, the ponies decided they couldn’t continue with their short numbers and lack of resources. This seemed to be Seafoam’s lucky break to heal somewhat, much to Sway’s relief. He mentioned how he felt lucky to take a lightning strike unharmed, which caught Banner of guard. With a little more conversation, he ordered a pony to attempt to lift Sway with their magic, which turned out to be nearly impossible without extreme concentration from 3 ponies. To say the least, magic resilience could be a huge advantage in the war, especially given the levitation magic seen in the fourth outpost and in the surprise raid. His resilience would come at a cost however, and was ultimately decided to be far too risky to the colt’s wellbeing to simply rush him at the front of the line. He was taught of the situations where he was recommended to use this to his advantage while weighing the risks. He finally felt proud to contribute to this effort alongside his mother.
Resources and horsepower were gathered for the final strike, as scouts reported the location of this “Wizard Lord’s” castle. This would be the most difficult of the raids, but if successful would be the final battle to defeat their enemy, and possibly put an end to the vampirism slowly growing in Equestria. With Seafoam carrying him, Sway joined the other ponies flying out to the fight.
The entire castle was extremely difficult to fight through, but with perseverance – and a keen eye for traps – the group spent the hours well, and entered the inner rooms of the castle. In the throne, a room completely devoid of sunlight, sat a single grey unicorn. The very same unicorn Sway recognized from the hallucinations what felt like a lifetime ago. The pony was dark, powerful and rather than being afraid, he was merely annoyed at Sway and the others. He offered them to turn around, convert, or fight. But attacking him simply sprang a trap, rendering a large portion of the party unable to fight as his dark magic clouded their nerves. If not for his resistance to magic Sway would be chilled to the bone, for this unicorn displayed even more arcane dark magic, the likes of which Sway knew nothing to combat against. To say this was a losing battle was an understatement, as more and more ponies were entrapped in his magic, and the numbers dwindled. But, just as it was looking down, luck was on the raider’s side. Some well-coordinated and fatal attacks finally brought the Wizard Lord down, dissolving him in a pitch-black shadow of pure dark magic, which settled on the throne floor. Lifeless, dissolving at Sway’s touch. He wade through it as the combatants celebrated their victory, rushing to retrieve their friends, when the unthinkable happened. Purple smoke shot out from the scepter the Wizard Lord once held, and his body appeared once before the ponies. The magic strewn on the floor was still lifeless, the energy once held in them destroyed as Sway could clearly feel. This meant their target should not be the Wizard Lord, he thought to himself , rather they should work to destroy the scepter. He rushed to the remaining unicorns, quickly sharing the thought to break down the ceiling to expose the sunlight into the room, and not stop when the Wizard Lord was defeated. Should the scepter be hidden someplace else, it also needed to be exposed, and likely destroy the rest of his power, or at least trap it until nightfall so they could regroup.
The unicorns ran to the outside of the castle, the pegasi worked to keep him hovering near the ceiling, while the earth ponies were dealing with a new problem: Their friends were waking up, but as the Wizard Lord’s slaves. The fight was utter madness with all the unicorns gone, and injuries were everywhere. With only a minute left to spare the unicorns finally destroyed the roof, unexpectantly flooding the sunlight into the arena. With a distorted shriek the Wizard Lord threw his scepter behind a curtain, dissolving into smoke which was quickly destroyed by the sun. Exhausted, Sway brought the scepter into the sun, and the group were finally able to rest. For about 15 seconds until Sway picked up on a sizzling sound from the scepter. Perplexed, he carefully took a step back before the grey pony appeared out it a final time, drained of energy and gasping for air. His body was visually dripping a black ooze, and after mere moments he lost the energy to stand. That’s when Sway noticed his ears were melting, and even for such a horrible pony they had to face, he still felt horror from the pain he must be enduring. This pony explained raspily that he’d performed a spell to completely absorb the life magic worth of 27 ponies over a hundred years ago, and it’s been killing him ever since. His recruitment of ponies was just to lighten the load on his body as he withdrew more magic, with the goal of one day being able to harness it all. Very compelling backstory stuff that I’m condensing here, I know.
Sway was prompted to look away, and the beheading was performed to put the ugly pony out of his misery, and before he could attempt to cause any more harm. The rest of his body slowly dissolved away, carrying only the wisps of ponies that used to be, apparently finally finding release.
The first two to meet were Chiller Sway and Seafoam Wake. Sway was a 15-year-old human at the time, had awareness of MLP through season 4, and had accidentally transported himself into Limbo, the state between dimensions, after kicking a glowy white rock. It was only thanks to a powerful species of pony, the Santurnari, that he was rescued out of Limbo... View MoreI have a timeline for that but it's intertwined with another roleplay so I'll have to rewrite it.Ahem, here goes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The first two to meet were Chiller Sway and Seafoam Wake. Sway was a 15-year-old human at the time, had awareness of MLP through season 4, and had accidentally transported himself into Limbo, the state between dimensions, after kicking a glowy white rock. It was only thanks to a powerful species of pony, the Santurnari, that he was rescued out of Limbo and into the Equestrian world. The Santurnari that saved him was known as Moon Blazer. He was a Santurnari Elder and major decision-maker in the clan, so Sway had no trouble receiving a welcome, and a trustworthy guard. A guard with the name of Seafoam Wake the pegasus. Moon Blazer saw a chance for Seafoam to prove herself to the Santurnari clan by taking care of the colt as he got used to his new form, and needed guidance to grow up wise and strong. But Sway and Seafoam didn't get along too well. Seafoam always tried too hard to care and guide him. She often came across as overbearing and cold to the growing colt despite her large heart buried beneath her guardian's exterior. But through effort and perseverance the pair figured out a working relationship with one another. After all, Sway was one to respect authority, and after Moon Blazer told Sway of her troubled past and why taking care of him means so much to her, he learned they could see each other's side of things. Not long after Seafoam was accepted at the Time of Choosing, Chiller Sway wanted to leave the clan. Deep down, he couldn't see himself living out his whole life here in the forest. Equestria was so much larger, with so many kind ponies to meet, and adventure to partake in. Despite Santurnari heedings, he and Seafoam left. And their memories of the clan's exact location were masked to keep the Santurnari safe. It was the start of a long adventure for the pair. Abridged journeys of Seafoam and Chiller Sway
[] (this symbol means I need to fill in the timeline some more around this point. I've skipped over a few encounters and bonding moments on accident)Seafoam and Sway got captured by [I'm sure I'll come up with something less racist than zebra sometime in the future]. Rather ritualistic ones, who planned to sacrifice the pair to their all-powerful god. And here Seafoam gained her first scar underneath her left haunch, the skin cut in order for the ritual. Seafoam managed to bargain for their lives. If she beat their finest warrior in combat, then it would be believed that she was blessed power from their god, and must be set free. The strength of her bluff surprised Sway for more reasons than one. He never thought of Seafoam as having the ability to lie. Yes, she'd been somewhat cold to him with fleeting moments of warmth up to this point, but she always spoke the truth and rarely downplayed their situations. She cared for him enough to play somewhat dirty. The subsequent fight Sway had to watch from a fence he was leashed to. There wasn't one bit he could help Seafoam with, and her wings were still bound to prevent her simply fleeing the scene. And Sway's stress only rose as both combatants were allowed only spears in the duel. Was Seafoam trained in spears? Enough to defeat somepony that certainly was? Her opponent was a steely, battle-forged stallion with only two fires in his soul: Maintain his title, and win the battle. Seafoam scraped out a victory, not without taking heavy damage however. Sway had never seen such brutality, and nearly moved to tears out of the stress of it all. It was not his first encounter with death, as the ice creature a week or two prior had show, but Seafoam was there for him.
Every item taken from the pair were returned, and they made it out safely. Sway had kept his composure in order to be brave for his adoptive mother figure as she fought for his life. Staying calm was the least he could do, and she did compliment him for it despite her injuries and shortness of breath. Only half a mile out from the scene, she collapsed out of exhaustion and loss of blood. For the first moment so far, Sway had to be self-reliant. His and Seafoam's lives were still in the balance.
How well did Sway pay attention while Seafoam was awake to teach him? That was the test he now faced. Matted with Seafoam's blood on his back he came to a river to wash up, and finally take a moment to think about what he'd just gone through. Simply thinking back to her duel had his heart racing. His bravery was just a front, and in the river he let his tears of doubt was across his face. He didn't have what it took to really be valuable to his new mother. She did all the hard work between them. Gathering food and building shelter, yeah Sway was uncomfortable and sweaty and ached from the work, but Seafoam did far more, and he took her for granted. Now he was crying in the river. What a waste of energy. The futility made him cry even more. The sun's energy was what woke Sway the following morning. His fur was a mess because of the river, and muddy since once he was out he just laid in the dirt with his unconscious mother. They hadn't anything to eat for over 16 hours, and Seafoam still wasn't waking up. There was nopony around to help right now, and he'd only made it 3 miles from the enemy before coming across the river. He couldn't let a repeat of yesterday happen again. And no, that was enough crying and feeling sorry for himself. Despite only being 14, this was him vs. the world. He had one pony to do the work around here, and one very exhausted pony to take care of as well. He straightened up and decided the first order of business was not his needs, but Seafoam's. He could go looking for food, but she needed to be put somewhere safe while he was out. Through this general thought process he would go over the rest of the day.
Sway managed to pull through two days being totally reliant on himself and the lessons Seafoam had taught him. And in the afternoon of that second day Seafoam finally awoke, finding herself carefully placed in a makeshift bed, cleaned and cared for the best Sway knew how. Proudly speaking to her once she was fed, she congratulated him, bonding the pair a little more with the following conversation they had. They pressed on, venturing further into Equestria.
Roughly a week later Seafoam and Sway found themselves in a combat encounter in a dense woodland. With Seafoam there, they were pulling out ahead, before suddenly a shadowy purple and gray pony in a red cloak appeared. He was an extremely similar fighter to the vampire they'd met in the past, though he surprised them after the skirmish by asking to join as a third member. Ra'eel he called himself. Despite their doubts of his true intentions, they agreed to let him join with them instead of fighting him about it. He took a great interest in them and their story in Equestria so far, even sharing his craft as a fashion expert before encountering a mysterious necklace. Sway felt pity for his situation, and trust grew between the three of them.
Sway was sound asleep that night, a new comfort with a third group member, finally a magic user. His rest was interrupted by a sharp pain in his head, waking him with a howl as he scrambled to get to his feet. His drowsy vision fogged over and he swung his hooves wildly, screaming for Seafoam in a panic for his life. He was interrupted by the horrifying reveal of Ra'eel's voice assuring him the pain would pass, and they would become one.
Sway isn't sure what happened next, but by the time his senses returned to him Seafoam and Ra'eel were in the middle of fighting. Fireballs flew everywhere in an attempt to maim the pegasi, burning the grass all around the trio and adding even more to Sway's horrified feeling. But Seafoam needed his help, so he dashed to retrieve his own weapon just as Seafoam appeared to have. He struck a spot on Ra'eel's back where Seafoam's blade had already drawn blood, causing Ra'eel to scream in distorted pain and lash out even more.
It took its time, but their vicious attacker was finally defeated. He laughed and displayed his fangs, revealing himself as a vampony stallion. And he said that his lord will eventually come for ponies of their strength. And when his gave out, he disappeared into a thick cloud of purple and black smoke, blowing away into the breeze. Sway and Seafoam tend to their wounds, resting again for the night. But Sway couldn't ignore the fact that they were tricked, and likely nothing of what the unicorn said about himself was the truth. This marked their second encounter with a vampire, too. They were surely going to run into more on their journeys... He rests on the thought that hopefully they don't grow any worse. He has hallucinations for the next 5 minutes after the battle, but he did catch a glimpse of a dark grey unicorn, draped in a dazzling cape, wielding a scepter at his side. And Sway would feel an intense urge to find this stallion, do whatever he wanted, gain unfathomable power...
Tirek had been making his dazzlingly fast march across Equestria, taking the magic essence out of everypony he came across. And those who Discord specially located. And at first Sway was astonished by Discord's presence, acting all excited to meet him, even though the Spirit of Chaos had never met the colt before. Introductions were short however, as Tirek suddenly appeared and drained the essence from the two. This killed Chiller Sway, as unbeknownst to him he had an unusually high concentration of magic making up his body. It was the best the Santurnari could do to bring him in pony form. They could have never predicted it would backfire this badly on the colt. And at his young age. Sway awoke later the same day, as the stolen magic was restored to him and Seafoam through currently unknown means. And he woke to the most unexpected sight. For the first time ever, he saw Seafoam crying, holding him near to herself and listening to his renewed heartbeat. Unfortunate as the circumstances were, the pair had never been so close before. And their bond was only growing from here...
Seafoam and Sway had come across their first little outpost: The Disorganization. It was a rowdy little camp of mares and stallions that had gone their own ways from various places, all coming here and sticking together in the relatively uncharted southern lands of Equestria. When Seafoam and Sway ask if they’ve encountered any vampires, the occurrence was more common than they had expected. The rumor was that the remnants of Sombra’s horn was the blame for creating the vampires. It would explain the fangs and dark smoke. Perhaps weakness to the sun was a mutation.
Sway confided in Seafoam that this worried him a lot. He explained the history of King Sombra, and his fright of encountering something of that magnitude. But Seafoam reminded him that he’s been training with her for weeks. Even at his age, he can outperform the average grown stallion in most physical feats. Plus the rare Equestrian combat training. Should Sway find himself in trouble, he has the tools to overcome.
There’s something about them investigating the rumors. Writing is hard.
The Wizard War
Seafoam reported back to Sway that a group of ponies were already preparing to fight the vampires. She suggested they both go to aid the fight. Reluctantly Sway agreed. He was in good hooves with Seafoam around, and he wanted to prove to her that her training him wasn’t for nothing. It was a 2-day flight with Seafoam carrying Sway, a feat that shouldn’t have been a surprise to Sway given her other physical feats.
Arriving at the camp was jarring for Sway to say the least. Ponies all about were physically intimidating, armored up, most hard swords. He felt pretty small, and perhaps silly with his weapon of choice: A flanged mace. Seafoam did her best to teach him with the unfamiliar weapon, and he was more confident with it now than back with the unnamed ice creature. He wasn’t sure how he’d serve a cause here, but he was sure going to try!
He was introduced to the leader, Banner, for assignment. Turns out the first strike was going to be in a few days, and they had light armor in his size. After a test of his fighting capabilities, they also upgraded his weapon choice to a include a steel core for extra weight and control. Sway just had to train, learn the ponies he was fighting with, and wait for the day of the first attack. Seafoam, Sway, and just over a dozen ponies went into the first raid: A small outpost where vampires had been seen making rounds and storing food. Thanks to the element of surprise they were able to win with no casualties, giving Sway a huge boost of morale. In fact he aided in fighting one of the vampires, so he was pretty impressed with himself. But the most unexpected thing happened when every vampire in the building shrieked into black smoke, leaving no prisoners. How every one of the vampires disappeared at the same time went unexplained, but at least the spoils of the outpost were free for the taking. They took the food, weapons, clothing, and a couple scrolls, and returned to the main base.
Two more outposts fell in similar manner, though Sway did not attend these raids. It was surprising to the organizers just how easy it was, and they were beginning to think they’d overprepared. But Sway and Seafoam noted that very few of the vampires demonstrated the abilities they’d encountered from Ra’eel. That being the fireballs and the spell that gave Sway the hallucinations. Thankfully nopony was letting their guard down, for the fourth outpost was a dramatic change of pace in this war…Fighters returned with injuries and one casualty. Vampires in the fourth outpost were displaying abilities like Sway had described. Conjuring fireballs, levitating objects, and a new one: lightning spells. And a vampire had also let it slip that they were not as they originally seemed. They had an overlord, and they were not vampires. Rather, a hivemind of wizards, with the overlord in control. He was shortly blown up thereafter, but his news was revelatory to the group. Extra precautions were taken for the next raid, as there were only a few spots that were known. They were likely to be fortified now that their movement was noted by the wizards.Seafoam and Sway had a talk after the meeting. She assured him that helping was a good cause, but gave him the choice to be somewhere safe as she handled the fighting. She didn’t want to leave this behind, and after speaking some more Sway was going to stay with her. She stuck with him when it was hard, he’s going to do the same for her. They hugged and went to bed. Their next assignment was going to be in two days with some hurried doubling of supplies. It was going to be a busy week for them, that’s for sure.
Sway was helping volunteers move supplies, readying for their next attack the following day. He was just an hour away from break time when a scout rushed in in a panic, screaming “The wizards are here! Everypony ready!” With only this short notice to prepare, Sway grabbed some light armor, scrambled for his mace, and that’s when the attack happened. Unusually high-level wizards came to raid in broad daylight, utilizing shadow teleportation, levitation, and fireballs alike. It was utter chaos, and Sway was lucky to flee with his life, he felt. There was no hope for the base, more wizards were showing up to fight, and ponies were fleeing just like Sway was. He couldn’t wait for Seafoam, who was surely in the middle of the chaos. He had to run, or things would only get worse. He fled into the woods, not stopping until he knew he’d be safe to recover his breath. After stopping at sunset, Sway started to establish an unsuspecting shelter for the night, finally having a moment to rest afterward. He also did sustain one injury from a lightning bolt and now had time to check it. Weirdly enough he felt little pain through his body from such an attack, and checking the struck portion of his back revealed only a slight singe in his coat. With the bolt he was struck with, he was expecting a lot more damage… He chalks it up to an unusually weak attack and prepares an inconspicuous shelter, just hoping Seafoam is alright in all this…
Sway is careful to avoid capture from the patrolling wizards, who are looking for the ponies that fled the battle the day prior. He’s quite self-reliant, and has a main goal: finding Seafoam, and making sure she’s ok. On the second day he noticed a regular pony flying overhead, and he calls out to them for help. To his surprise the pony does, and says his name is Rain Trough, and he has an idea where the ponies might be regrouping at, and he carries him to the new site. Sure enough, the pegasi’s information is right and leads them to the regrouping ponies, eventually reuniting Seafoam and Sway, but Seafoam is injured on two of her legs. She insists on being in fighting condition, wanting to see this through. Going through the remaining supplies that could be taken from the raid, the ponies decided they couldn’t continue with their short numbers and lack of resources. This seemed to be Seafoam’s lucky break to heal somewhat, much to Sway’s relief. He mentioned how he felt lucky to take a lightning strike unharmed, which caught Banner of guard. With a little more conversation, he ordered a pony to attempt to lift Sway with their magic, which turned out to be nearly impossible without extreme concentration from 3 ponies. To say the least, magic resilience could be a huge advantage in the war, especially given the levitation magic seen in the fourth outpost and in the surprise raid. His resilience would come at a cost however, and was ultimately decided to be far too risky to the colt’s wellbeing to simply rush him at the front of the line. He was taught of the situations where he was recommended to use this to his advantage while weighing the risks. He finally felt proud to contribute to this effort alongside his mother.
Resources and horsepower were gathered for the final strike, as scouts reported the location of this “Wizard Lord’s” castle. This would be the most difficult of the raids, but if successful would be the final battle to defeat their enemy, and possibly put an end to the vampirism slowly growing in Equestria. With Seafoam carrying him, Sway joined the other ponies flying out to the fight.
The entire castle was extremely difficult to fight through, but with perseverance – and a keen eye for traps – the group spent the hours well, and entered the inner rooms of the castle. In the throne, a room completely devoid of sunlight, sat a single grey unicorn. The very same unicorn Sway recognized from the hallucinations what felt like a lifetime ago. The pony was dark, powerful and rather than being afraid, he was merely annoyed at Sway and the others. He offered them to turn around, convert, or fight. But attacking him simply sprang a trap, rendering a large portion of the party unable to fight as his dark magic clouded their nerves. If not for his resistance to magic Sway would be chilled to the bone, for this unicorn displayed even more arcane dark magic, the likes of which Sway knew nothing to combat against. To say this was a losing battle was an understatement, as more and more ponies were entrapped in his magic, and the numbers dwindled. But, just as it was looking down, luck was on the raider’s side. Some well-coordinated and fatal attacks finally brought the Wizard Lord down, dissolving him in a pitch-black shadow of pure dark magic, which settled on the throne floor. Lifeless, dissolving at Sway’s touch. He wade through it as the combatants celebrated their victory, rushing to retrieve their friends, when the unthinkable happened. Purple smoke shot out from the scepter the Wizard Lord once held, and his body appeared once before the ponies. The magic strewn on the floor was still lifeless, the energy once held in them destroyed as Sway could clearly feel. This meant their target should not be the Wizard Lord, he thought to himself , rather they should work to destroy the scepter. He rushed to the remaining unicorns, quickly sharing the thought to break down the ceiling to expose the sunlight into the room, and not stop when the Wizard Lord was defeated. Should the scepter be hidden someplace else, it also needed to be exposed, and likely destroy the rest of his power, or at least trap it until nightfall so they could regroup.
The unicorns ran to the outside of the castle, the pegasi worked to keep him hovering near the ceiling, while the earth ponies were dealing with a new problem: Their friends were waking up, but as the Wizard Lord’s slaves. The fight was utter madness with all the unicorns gone, and injuries were everywhere. With only a minute left to spare the unicorns finally destroyed the roof, unexpectantly flooding the sunlight into the arena. With a distorted shriek the Wizard Lord threw his scepter behind a curtain, dissolving into smoke which was quickly destroyed by the sun. Exhausted, Sway brought the scepter into the sun, and the group were finally able to rest. For about 15 seconds until Sway picked up on a sizzling sound from the scepter. Perplexed, he carefully took a step back before the grey pony appeared out it a final time, drained of energy and gasping for air. His body was visually dripping a black ooze, and after mere moments he lost the energy to stand. That’s when Sway noticed his ears were melting, and even for such a horrible pony they had to face, he still felt horror from the pain he must be enduring. This pony explained raspily that he’d performed a spell to completely absorb the life magic worth of 27 ponies over a hundred years ago, and it’s been killing him ever since. His recruitment of ponies was just to lighten the load on his body as he withdrew more magic, with the goal of one day being able to harness it all. Very compelling backstory stuff that I’m condensing here, I know.
Sway was prompted to look away, and the beheading was performed to put the ugly pony out of his misery, and before he could attempt to cause any more harm. The rest of his body slowly dissolved away, carrying only the wisps of ponies that used to be, apparently finally finding release.
Assets / Bits / Property
A house that he shares with his family, a short sword, a flanged mace,
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Sway is trained in combat with the mace.
Chiller Sway becomes a unicorn at age 30-ish. After a couple of years, he realized he has Santurnari magic (Santurnari are my own creation) as well. So, he has two types of magic, but he isn't sure how to use the Santurnari's powerful magic.Let's put Sway's magic level this way: He could relocate your house like a pony levitating a heavy couch. This makes combat RP very anti-climactic, so I don't advise it as a focus of an RP with Sway.