Misc. RP Information
Do not harm her, or I will harm you. (because this is my wish fulfillment wife)I RP on Discord now. Message my main account "Chiller Sway" as I'm usually not active on this account. Roleplaying with Lemon will likely be "slice of life" or a casual conversation due to her calm and supportive nature. Have fun with her! (but not too much, ya hear me!?)
Roleplay Medium (Preferred RP Location)
Private Messages
Common locations your character will be
Cutiemark (If Applicable)
Halved lemon and a lemon slice
Design Description
A unicorn mare of average height. Coat color: ffe967, Mane/Tail colors: 2b8624, 9fe599, Eyes: a60461. Magic color: Same as eyes.Cutie Mark:
Lemon SliceShe's soft, fluffy and adorable to look at.... The perfect wish fulfillment wife... What? No, I'm not "staring at her." Let me adore my wife in peace. M-my wish fulfillment wife.
Softness, cool spells, adorable things
Evil, being uncomfortable
Detailed Personality
Lemon Breeze is cute and lovable. Even though she doesn't go outside much she still enjoys talking with others and having a good laugh with ponies. Her personality is warm and easy to get along with, and she has a great smile to pair it with. If you're smart with words you can even be treated to an adorable little giggle....Isn't she lovely?.. I wish I had a Lemon Breeze.
Good question...
Normal Equestrian education
Detailed History
*scratches neck* I've gotta make those?
Assets / Bits / Property
Her house. And the things in the house, obviously.
Skills / Notable Talent(s)
Cooking and can make the bed... Also she is my wish fulfillment wife for my ponysona, so play nice.
Basic unicorn magic.