
Aurora Cassiopeia
"We should host a screech party!"
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Bats... So many bats.. Never too many bats.. And even better, cute batpones... I must cuddle each and every batpone in existence...
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The Princess pins a recruitment poster for the royal guards on the wall.
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We must skree till the end
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This page is dying... #MakeTCBCGreatAgain
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Bats are only good for looking cute. But they do that very well, so good job, bats. This is your place in the world.
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I like bats
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Bats look cute when they flap their wings. I can imagine some ponies liking to have them as pets.
December 7, 2017
What are you talking about? I'm speaking about how cute bats could be as pets.
December 7, 2017
"They suck the life right out of the earth! They should be shown who is in charge!" Said the one with the melted face. The Brain shook his head. 'That wasn't very nice!'
December 7, 2017
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