
Dear Princess celestia.
Hey Its the Great Papyrus from ponyville. if you could think of what to add in spaghetti what would it be?
from. your favorite skeleton Pony
Spaghetti master Papyrus
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Dear Princess Celestia,
Hey, it's me Crimson! Ya know, that one crazy fox lady human demon thingy that you met at this one party. Yep, that's me!
From, Your favorite thingy
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Dear Princess Celestia
if the sun goes out tommorrow dont be afraid friendship and family are the only light you truely need :)
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Dear Princess Celestia.
I hope I the Great Papyrus could Visit you sometime
-PS Nyeh hehehe Always stay true to yourself And eat good spaghetti
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Dear Princess Celestia,
:boot: enlarged boot
Sincerely, Frisk Dremmurr
4 people like this.
But why is it enlarged D:
And why only one?! Wouldn't it mismatch the other boots?! So many questions. Mind just blew up D:
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Dear Princess Celestia,
I have big boobs, I play Call of Duty, and I make a dang good sammich.
Sincerely, unfortunately, a stallion.
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