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Name: Nickname: [if present and/or available] Age: [Character's True or Public age at writer's discretion] ...
264 views 2 likes
Where the smoky Noir-esque Art Deco meets futuristic cityscapes, Neo-Manehattan is as divisive now as it was when it started. Oftentimes referred to as Neo-Mane or simply Neon City by the less sophisticated, it is more akin to a mega city-nation, divided into sectors, diverging completely from Old Equestria's definition of a conventional city. It started as a nameless refugee settlement for those seeking sanctuary from a sinking Manehattan, and the vicious coasts of its neighbors: Fillydelphia...
157 views 0 likes
This isn't purely a raffle. There is a total of 4 winners, with 2 picked from a raffle, and the other 2 selected based on popular vote on their origin story. What do they win, might you ask? They win a comic cover of their character, drawn by the illustrious artist, Notetaker. 1. Create a character sheet ( via Friendship Letter. It can be made on your own account or the page's. 2. Put up the tags "Rainbow Apocalypse", and "raraf...
154 views 0 likes
200 years. 200 years since colors filled the sky, blessing it with beauty and magnificence, but cursing the land with devastation and entropy. Meteorites rained down on the earth with enough force to level entire cities upon impact, sealing the fates of the few who suffered a direct hit. As if heeding one last silent call of defiance, the elements of harmony redirect the remaining meteors away from the atmosphere , just barely saving everything from total destruction. The day was (mostly) saved,...
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