
Charlie Gabriel Blaze
Hey Rainbow, quick question, What does it take to be the fastest Wonder Bolt/pegasus in the sky?
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You know you are in a TV show right? And that the show ended... but there is a new show.
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Where have you been Rainbow Pon?
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"Let's just say - lots of duties called more than the usual for this pegasus,both a awesome and tiring thing..Believe me we can always just make up for any lost time,if im not napping uh..of course!"
"What are your opinions on humans?" KoJack asked. He was a human so he had the right to ask.
" Have you ever tasted a Rainbow?"
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"Haha,You bet! Very long while ago,Just a suggestion..It may be a lot more to contain in one taste. Don't worry though,I always have a spare,My mane & tail isn't too much of a risk to take!"
"Well looks like my job is finished, Guess It's your turn to do all the dirty work,Crash." *Gives the broom*
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"Awh,What the HAY?! I could've sworn..I already took care of that like the back of my wing from the last few couple of weeks!!" *GRUMBLE* "Okaaay..But I'm making this one count for sure,If that helps prove on this case.."
"Will you fly with me?"
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"Sure thing,I'll even race ya! Think you'd wanna consider yourself best at keeping up with my pace? Cause If so..Try me,I'm up for the challenge. It shouldn't be no sweat!"
"Iam like 3 times your Size a race isnt fair."
"Rainbow Dash is smaller, it's likely she'd win."
"Hiya, Dashie! Do you have any snacks? I asked Princess Luna and I never got an answer!"
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"..Whoa,Expect me to believe you actually cleared most everything outta that bakery?! Then again- Who even knows what to expect from somepony such as you. But- HEY,Check It. Seems I've got a couple things I could get back to you with,Pinks.
Not much,Though y'knoow,Till the princesses finish up on t... View More
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