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Maxh Vezpyre
on April 3, 2018
Dimension: 623 x 464
File Size: 311.03 Kb
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"Well, ello there.... you look mighty scary" I was paying attention to her lips, and the cigar.
Like May 23, 2018
Maxh Vezpyre
"Hello there, and thank you? I'll prefer not to scare anyone though." She'll chuckle.
Like May 23, 2018
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The hippogrif blushed lightly, as she smiled at the snake like pone. "Um, where are we? Actually?" I wondered aloud hoping this beautiful looking mare would provide an answer.
Like May 23, 2018
Maxh Vezpyre
"Well this is Somnambula honey, I live here, basically Egypt if you're not familiar"
Like May 23, 2018
"Hmm, I must not be to Equestria yet.... Sorry can you direct me there? I kind of took a wrong turn I guess when leaving my home."
Like May 23, 2018