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Eric Cartman
on April 9, 2018
She looks out her window heasitantlly as she saw the dark, gloomy and ominous storm clouds blow in “huh?” She thought to herself “I wonder why we’d be getting weather like this in this time of year? The Pegasi must be doing a test of something?” She walked outside and looked up to the gray sky, the wind slowly picking up in her curly, fine and tangled long mane, suddenly, a ball of what appeared to be done food item began to fall from the sky to the ground “What the?” She picked one up, examining the thing...she slowly put it into her mouth and then realized it was a meatball “yum!” She smiled lightly, the meatballs fell down like gigantic hail and she felt a jolt of pure joy as she held her hoof out! Her hair blowing everywhere, she licked her lips and started to collect meatballs “oh, it’s cloudy with a chance of meatballs.” She giggled softly.
Dimension: 3264 x 2401
File Size: 1.78 Mb
4 people like this.
Eric Cartman
//Sorry the eyes are a bit wonky I wanted to test those eyes out
Like April 9, 2018
Silver Note
[[Huh! I didn't know you sent me a post starter until now. I am sorry!]]
Like April 16, 2018
Eric Cartman
//It’s Okay! You asked for a meatball mare so here you go~!
Like April 16, 2018