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Eric Cartman
on April 23, 2018
Dimension: 651 x 1441
File Size: 120.5 Kb
5 people like this.
Phoenix The Stallion
is this suppose to be a joke?
Like April 23, 2018
Eric Cartman
Like April 23, 2018
Phoenix The Stallion
Like April 23, 2018
Eric Cartman
//If this is not OK due to out of character content or anything staff let me know, I’ll delete
Like April 23, 2018
Shark Face
I solely post OOC its fine lad.From what I hear they are working more at integrating both social and RPing all up in here
Like April 23, 2018
Crimson Night
That status of mine wss ooc and refering to this dam irritating nosehair xP
Like April 23, 2018
Eric Cartman
//Even better!!!
Like April 23, 2018