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Eric Cartman
on May 3, 2018
Dimension: 2182 x 1536
File Size: 505.85 Kb
8 people like this.
The text really drives home the fact that this is Charlie
Like May 3, 2018
Eric Cartman
Like May 3, 2018
Bright Brave
Like May 3, 2018
Eric Cartman
Like May 3, 2018
sorry i’ve been dead but this is ace and u draw her mane well which is a feat because i am frequently told it’s a disaster to draw i’m proud of u
Like May 6, 2018
also why does your sillier art give me a Ren and Stimpy vibe it must be the eyes
Like May 6, 2018
Eric Cartman
//Oh yea probably, I’m going for a similar silly style anyways, so glad you like
Like May 6, 2018
Eric Cartman
//also the hair wasn’t that hard to draw just correcting the position of the hair
Like May 6, 2018