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Pan's art page
on September 14, 2018
This OC was made for me long ago -2016 i think?
I'm gonna give her away, I bought her from H-analea but I've never used her for anything so she deserves a better home.
Comment down below if you want her and why / what will her story be? I'd like to hear and pick the winner based on this!
Dimension: 500 x 500
File Size: 53.59 Kb
5 people like this.
Inari (Inactive, Don't ask, respect privacy)
Oof, She's beautiful. Lemme think..Honestly, I have a lot of purple ponies, but I have one that she would look amazing related to in some way, possibly sister, or child. She's got a styled look about her, so she'd be a trinket designer in my Universe or possibly an Idol. Or both! An Idol on the week... View More
Like September 14, 2018
I like this idea, to me she always looked like a sister of pinkie pie but your idea sounds way cooler
Like September 14, 2018
I totally forgot to say that she is yours since none else commented <3 enjoy! TvT just please don't re-sell <3
Like September 15, 2018
Inari (Inactive, Don't ask, respect privacy)
I won't! Ah! Thank you!
Like September 15, 2018 Edited
Zephyr Ward
She's cute, but I'm not really sure I'd use her.
Like September 14, 2018
Same, i got her but never used her so she should be with someone else
Like September 14, 2018
Princess Neon Synthwave
I tried commenting but a glitch screwed me over
Like September 15, 2018