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Commander Wyatt Ryder
on December 4, 2018
Dimension: 832 x 664
File Size: 127.64 Kb
2 people like this.
Bright Brave
I'd be so angry if I was on point with a Smelly
Like January 4, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Like January 4, 2019
Bright Brave
SMLE Enfield bolt action rifle.
Like January 4, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Oh yeah... Blimey, I forgot that name. I didn't actually mind them when I fired one. It's from WWII anyway :laughing:
Like January 4, 2019
them brits are being epic, as usual
Like June 9, 2019
Commander Wyatt Ryder
Thank you Zaten!
Like June 9, 2019