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Pan's art page
on December 23, 2018
made it 100x100 c:
Dimension: 100 x 100
File Size: 2.26 Kb
12 people like this.
Sowwy if anything is off, I made it on SAI & my sai doesn't have pencil eraser ;-; only photoshop and mspaint got it and i wanted to work with sai lol
Like December 23, 2018
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Oh nyoh it is super cute! >3< *Gives Panpan all the loving cuddles* you are too precious for this world ;w;
Like December 23, 2018
Gah! ;w; *PanPan.Exe has stopped working*
Like December 23, 2018
*Try's to reboot Pan with gentle muzzle boops* This will be my profile pic for a long time ^w^
Like December 23, 2018
Lula Vieve
I noticed you said the pencil tool in sai doesn't have an eraser? What I picked in fire alpaca is to erase pixels by switching from color and use transparent with your pixel too if that makes sense
Like December 23, 2018 Edited
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I used a white pencil but I can’t do anything about the outlines though because If i erase with a white color it’ll show up once saving the file as transparent TT usually i work with paint bc of the line tools and eraser but this was Definitely 10x harder
Like December 23, 2018
Lula Vieve
nono don't use white to erase use the actual transparent option so when you have a transparent background nothing will show up
Like December 23, 2018 Edited
Lula Vieve
The checkered box. Use that to erase.
Like December 23, 2018
Sound De Aviators
This is a well made piece ^^
Like December 23, 2018