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Queen Lesa
on February 1, 2019
//Artwork was done by the amazing ^v^ Here you can find Lesa hanging out with one of her best friends.
Categories: Digital Art
Dimension: 1200 x 1110
File Size: 2.16 Mb
17 people like this.
Dream Vezpyre
holy shit that's good.
Like February 1, 2019
Mien Aquilla
// How cute!!!
Like February 1, 2019
Aurora Sparkle
"I-I remember this. I-it was s-so long ago. F-feels like y-yesterday, th-though!"
Like February 2, 2019
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Queen Lesa
"Yeah, it is quite a surprise isn't it. He's a nice one. Very charming. He likes bat ponies and most of his guards are bats." She explained.
Like February 2, 2019
Aurora Sparkle
"I-I see. A-as long as he t-treats you well, then I-I guess t-there's not much e-else I c-can say. Um, well...i-if you need anything, j-just let me know. You kn-know where to f-find me." Sirius would gently prod a hoof into the ground as she finished speaking.
Like February 2, 2019
Queen Lesa
"He does." She said as she smiled at her. "That I do, but you are more than welcome to visit me and my sister any time you want. We are best friends after all." She paused for a brief moment. "Would you like to be one of my bridesmaids?"
Like February 2, 2019
Aurora Sparkle
"You..w-want me as b-bridesmaid? I-I think I-I could d-do that. F-for you, I-I'd be honored." She'd smile gently up at the other mare.
Like February 2, 2019
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Queen Lesa
Lesa would give her close friend one last final hug. "Okay Sirius. You take care, and you certainly will."
Like February 4, 2019
Aurora Sparkle
With a gentle return of the hug, the petite mare would bid a farewell before heading off back home.
Like February 4, 2019
Queen Lesa
Lesa would watch as her friend left, and once she was out of sight, she went back home to grab her cello case.
Like February 4, 2019