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on February 18, 2019
"HEY DAD REMEMBER THAT TIME YOU WERE A MARE?" she grins like a little shit. She's never letting him live that one down.
Dimension: 960 x 768
File Size: 29.15 Kb
3 people like this.
"I mean, technicall ythat wasnt the first time but er..... Well..... I mean it was an experience! An odd but satisfying experience that should porbably not be mentioned to your grandmother." he says nervously clearing his throat.
Like February 18, 2019
"K but it's gonna cost ya." she says, grinning. "One extra game of Tanagrams. And no early quitting this time."
Like February 18, 2019
"Mmmmm you're making me regret not accepting the offer to go to a college." he chuckles, He wasn't as good with English/Equestrian/Common as his daughter.
Like February 18, 2019
"Muahahahahaaaaa~" she says, rubbing her hooves together.
Like February 18, 2019